usually before accepting an interview I take following 2 steps:
1 - check the job offer (of they sent to me)
2 - ask to answer a set of questions to understand if It makes senso tinstart the selection process.
I would like to understand if you also use similar methods or do something else.
If you use a method like mine I would ask you what questions you usually ask and which interest you most.
When a recruiter presents a job:
Am I actually interested in switching? If not, tell them to try back in six months. (But if it was actually an interesting job, note which recruiter brought it, and put them on the "good" list.)
Is the job even remotely in line with what I do? If not, tell them (the first time) what I do, and that this doesn't fit at all. If it's not the first time, they get screened out from here on. (If I remember who they are. I should keep a "bad" list as well as the "good" list.)
I have also put a recruiter on the "good" list for acting ethically. They were trying to get me for a job, found out that I was working for a client of theirs, and said that they couldn't recruit me from there. I was impressed. Yeah, I'll take their calls.