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Show HN: An open-source platform like Dribble for developers and designers (portfoliwoah.io)
3 points by jacobtt21 on Jan 9, 2024 | hide | past | favorite
Hi everyone,

I'm super excited to announce Portfoliwoah, an open-source platform designed to facilitate the sharing and discovery of personal work by designers and developers across various companies.

The goal is simple: make it easier for designers and developers in industry to find, appreciate, and be inspired by others.

The idea came about when I was making my portfolio to showcase the work I had been doing. I wanted to showcase my passion for design through my portfolio but was having a difficult time figuring out how I wanted it to look. I'm a big fan of the design philosophy of Vercel, so I figured that checking out the portfolios of their design team would be perfect to help get my creative juices flowing. Fortunately, a quick Google search led me to a page on Vercel's website dedicated to the design team. However, when I tried to find a similar page for companies like Notion, Linear, and Airbnb the results were less than favorable.

I figure having a unified platform for anyone to post their portfolios, projects, and more from across the industry would be beneficial to a lot of people. Not only can people take inspiration for their projects, but they can also see what it takes to work at different companies.

Here's a link to a YouTube demo: https://youtu.be/JLJTnYzyRrg

At the end of the day, Portfoliwoah is a simple idea that tries to solve a simple problem. I would love to hear what y'all think, and if you have an idea or suggestion, open an issue or PR!

https://www.portfoliwoah.io/ https://github.com/Oustro/portfoliwoah

Thanks for reading!

P.S. The ranking algo for Portfolio was actually inspired by the HN one. I obviously had to make some changes for our use case.

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