Regarding free options, there's an example video right on the landing page. Adding more examples is not a problem: check out my newsletter at - I launched it to showcase how voxweave makes summaries. Offering a free option is not feasible for a solopreneur.
As for Kargi it has significant limitations. you can compare
Hey, I like my hours-long YouTube videos and would be remiss getting the Cliffs Notes. I wish Google would put those Shorts somewhere less in-your-face but sigh I know we live in a TikTok era.
I like long videos, too, but I could see this being useful to let it summarize a video beforehand so I can see if it's worth spending the time to watch it myself. Could also be good if you have a long video and you want the text transcription to use for reference later.
Maybe give out some ways for people to try it, at least if you're trying to promote it. With a single example, how can I be confident that it works as advertised? If you don't want to do entire free videos, consider allowing users trying a 5 minute snippet of a video of their choose so they can see what they can expect.
You could also just make some Hacker News coupons so people here could give a review/feedback if that's what you're looking for.
Yes, you can try it as a Premium member. I didn't try it on any 3-hour long videos, but for a couple of shorter ones it worked well enough to give a tl;dr;.
- Spelling errors.
- No free option to try, if you cant do this (cost) then put up an example video with summary so people know what they are buying.
Btw Kagi does this for free for now.