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What you describe is not a to-do list. It's a list of ideas. And if you start putting urgent stuff into your list of ideas, you are in trouble.

Have two lists. It's that simple, really.

If you have two lists, why not three? Maybe you should just have a list of lists.

After trying a lot of approaches, I found that the two lists approach is what works best. One list has the general overview of what I need to do, the second list is what I need to do right now.

List one is edited only when a change in schedule is required, or a new project is added. The second list is edited and revised daily.

More importantly, those two lists are done using pen and paper, which I found to be the best tool for the job.

I actually do maintain a list of lists and find it extremely useful-the software I use is www.checkvist.com , and I use it for short term to-do lists, long term goals, brainstorming, project planning and status updates, notes on books, notes on people, etc.

You just described Trello

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