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Some resources:

Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ym4nPSzfer0

About Helix

Helix is a generative AI platform that you can run on our cloud or deploy in your own data center or cloud account. It provides an easy-to-use interface to using open source AI that's accessible to everyone.

Under the hood, it uses the best open source models and includes a GPU scheduler that can fit model instances into GPU memory to optimally trade off user facing latency with GPU memory utilization.

If you think this is cool, please vote for us on https://www.producthunt.com/posts/helix-5 today.

Docs: https://docs.helix.ml/docs/overview

Architecture: https://docs.helix.ml/docs/architecture

Things to try with LLM fine-tuning using Helix:

- https://docs.helix.ml/docs/papers

- https://docs.helix.ml/docs/engaging-content

- https://docs.helix.ml/docs/insights-data

- https://docs.helix.ml/docs/website-content

Sample sessions for SDXL:

- https://app.tryhelix.ai/session/e1b50789-a209-46c8-aa60-4d09...

- https://app.tryhelix.ai/session/cc6004cd-111b-48ae-9a8c-d651...

- https://app.tryhelix.ai/session/d50db369-4ffa-4a49-88dd-1cff...

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