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Some people are suggesting verification that the reviewer actually bought the book like what is done on amazon.com itself. It is different as Goodreads is not amazon.com, the goal at least what people are using it for) is social network that is built around people organizing their reading lists, sharing it with others and follow what their friends are reading. In addition to reviews to know more about books and people's reactions.

Some of the problems with this proposal

1- Books borrowed from friends or libraries 2- Book bought from different platforms or stores 3- Books downloaded from from the internet legally (or illegally)

Most of my readings are not books that amazon can verify I actually owned the books and I usually write reviews if I want to share it with my friends on Goodreads. That would be hard to implement and if so, I think personally I will stop using Goodreads, probably with most of the people I know.

And brushing scams.

Is that "log-rolling"? In ancient times, Spy Magazine had a "Log-rolling in Our Time" section, where they would quote mutually complimentary reviews by two writers.

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