My EdgeRouter finally bit the dust after over a decade of service, and I decided to "upgraded" to a Dream Machine. I was hesitant due to the security breaches and now I really regret my decision.
UDMs are discounted right now for the holidays. I'm in the process of migrating my home networking/server stuff into a rack, and I was tempted to pick one up because my current little PFSense box isn't particularly rack-friendly. This thread is cooling my heels a bit.
When I bought the UDM-SE, I too was excited thinking it as an "upgrade". Only later realized it couldn't even do BGP like their entry level gateway products.
You can, yes. The bigger problem is that I also bought into their Protect products at the same time. And you lose a ton of functionality if you turn off cloud access.
I'm going to try to replicate notifications and stuff using Home Assistant and shut off the remote access completely, but I might as well have purchased a cheaper and better NVR + camera setup if I need to set up all of this stuff myself anyway...
Mostly remote monitoring capabilities. You don't get motion/detection/doorbell notifications, and the Protect app needs to VPN in to view cameras when you're not on the local network.
We were using Nest before and these would be huge UX downgrades for my not-tech-savvy spouse.