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Ask HN: Some posts are not in first page when I'm logged in
1 point by riquito on Dec 12, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments
So I was looking to hacker news today when I noticed something. Of all the threads in first page, one of them (beeper mini is back - https://blog.beeper.com/p/beeper-mini-is-back ) disappeared from the main page when I logged in. I tried multiple times, and the result didn't change: as logged out the post is in front page, top 10, as logged in the post is not listed, at least not in the first few pages.

I don't remember seeing this pattern before, what would be the idea behind it?

I don't know if this is true for HN or not, but sometimes sites/CDNs cache non-logged-in pages more aggressively than logged-in ones.

If it is of any consolation for you, right now I'm both having problems just loading HN and seeing the beeper mini link in the front page (at #6).

Would this help?: https://news.ycombinator.com/newsfaq.html

> How are stories ranked?

> The basic algorithm divides points by a power of the time since a story was submitted. Comments in threads are ranked the same way.

> Other factors affecting rank include user flags, anti-abuse software, software which demotes overheated discussions, account or site weighting, and moderator action.

I think we can only assume dang is in the pocket of Big Apple

My understanding is that HN serves pages from a CDN for non-logged-in views. It is a way of reducing load on the server core that serves HN.

If that's true, then you will see a real-time front page (or a apology for not handling your request) when you are logged in and might see an older cached version of the front page if you are not logged-in.

Of course I might be wrong and there is indeed a scandalous conspiracy of nefarious skullduggery. Good luck.

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