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Created a free website that simplifies stock analysis
79 points by _gsav on Dec 10, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 83 comments

All I really want, and I must be blind because I can't find such a site or program, is to anonymously enter some dates and amounts that I brought stock, and see how that investment has be valued on the days since, and compared to alternatives such as mainstream index funds or top performers. Is there anything like that?

I'm not sure myself if this feature exist somewhere for free. However, it sounds very straightforward.

I will add the feature to my website. Should be online by tomorrow!

Valuations are straightforward in a world without corporate actions like splits, consols, dividends etc.

Most (all?) data providers rerate historical prices after corporate actions that affect prices and this is not really the correct way to do continuous valuations using the restated prices.

Some of them allow you to view adjusted vs. current pricing. Some of them also leave it up to the user to figure out if it's adjusted, so it does take some homework to figure out at times.

Indeed. It's by no means "straightforward"


I forgot about the splits. But i still believe building a first version where the split is included is a good start for this feature.

Later on we can add more advance features where we can turn on/off the split

For what purpose do you want to ignore splits?

I didn't say we should ignore splits. To reiterate: most third-party data providers include splits by restating historical prices. This only works if you want to analyse performance at individual stock level by ignoring holdings. But if you want to do performance analysis for your own portfolio of stocks, relying on restated prices is incorrect.

Eg. If you bought say 10 stocks at the old price, you cannot take the restated historical price with your 10 stocks and you cannot take the units held of 10 stocks with the new prices. You have to account for this via transactions to increase your holdings (for splits) by leaving the prices historically the same.

You should be able to do that on https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com/

Google sheets has (had?) a stock function that takes a ticker and a date.

Last time I tried building a software around stocks, the major pain I had was the lack of affordable APIs that would give quotes in almost real time.

Almost all APIs I checked had a significant pricing. I'm wondering where does this website takes the data from and what's the price for it.

Yep this is one of the biggest bottlenecks for this solo project.

I get my data from Financialmodelingprep which I do not recommend because of the recent price increase.

But i gotta pay those bills to make a really good website for my users

I see, I never understood why quote data are so costly (read - aren't free).

So how does [name redacted] differentiate to others in the market - eg. Yahoo finance?

We have memes :D

What signals is the AI bot using? Just a mix of the TA indicators?

I ask because price forecasting is a data modeling problem, and I'm skeptical of the bot's listed win rates. Unless one knows how their signals work (i.e. what real world market phenomenon you are modeling), there's no way one should trust that edge.

Separately, if you breakdown other indicators like CCI you realize they are crappier versions of basic statistical methods like Z-scoring. Or that anything using a Wilders average is using a crappier EWMA, and then that anything using EWMA can be improved to be stationary by filtering out noise outside the passband of information you want to target.

So I'm skeptical of the bot.

I am trying to build a robust and reliable open-source model for the AI Bot. The challenges that you are mentioned are definitely one of the biggest problems.

However, I think we have to reformulate the question. Instead of maximizing the win rate (which relies on forecasting the future price) the real task would be minimizing risk (which does not rely on forecasting the future price instead adapting to the new environment).

Yes TA indicators a part of the feature vector space. However, so far the model uses 200+ features where I pick the best 10 features that correlates the most with the target goal.

In the next version of the model I use more sophisticated features and architecture of the model to increase the win rate and minimize the loss.

Are you training a single model that's supposed to represent the entire market?


I train each stock on a separated model to not interfere and make the dataset "dirty".

Each stock has its own dynamics thats why i split each model

Yeah, that's how I thought it should be. Sounds like a lot of models you're building.

Do you tune each one separately as well or do you find a base tuning and go w/ that?

Link: https://name-redacted.com/

Note: THIS IS NOT AN AD- everything here is completely free and I make no money

Overview: I was always frustrated about the stock analysis websites such as Simplywall.st where we have to pay money for a nice UI and all-in-one package where we find the most important stock data in one place.

So I thought i can do it too but for free. Also I always liked memes and I thought let me make my own r/wallstreetbets but with AI and statistics

Looks good! Would it be possible to make it accessible without requiring a login? (Because the minute you see "sign up for free" it starts to smell like "free" as in "not actually free", like most websites.)

Thanks for the feedback. I feel you. I will try to remove it in the near future. The login is more of a security layer against bots scraping the website easily.

I will think about other free security layers to remove the login feature :)

Is it libre/free source?


Nothing seems to be there.

Or it is just freemium.

It appears to be his startup idea, so I imagine they're looking for ways to monetize this but it's not clear what the plan is:

> I've been working on my startup idea for the past 2 months now. The idea is to provide data science tools to any retail investors regardless of their background. Everyone should have a fair chance to analyze the market and hopefully it makes the life of the user much easier.

8 months ago from: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35222902


yes that was the initial plan however, i thought why not make it completely free for everyone.

The goal still remains to help small investors to bead the hedge funds

Nope no freemium.

Completely free whatsoever

How do you plan to cover the costs?

so far i pay everything from my own pocket. data provider, server, my own living expenses BUT i will probably add (*less) annoying ads and affiliate links similar like reddit to pay the bills and the servers :D.

I have a research background that's why i strongly believe in free knowledge

I’d be happy to pay a bit for this tool. I love the UI. It would be awesome if ETFs were added down the road.


ETF,Market Index and cryptos will be added soon. So stay tuned :)

Simply Wall St has and will always have a free plan ;)

UI looks great though, nice work!

Yes but the free plan is quite useless.

You can only analyze 5 stocks. That's it!

Mind sharing your data provider(s) ? Thanks

honestly i don't recommend my data provider because a year ago when i bought their license it cost me $700.

Now they are charging me $2100 because of "inflation" with zero advantages or new perks whatsoever.

That's why I don't want to advertise my provider.

Mind sharing so I don’t use them then?


I searched for this comment. I was looking at the metrics and thought, "yep, that's what they're using." I like the presentation of the site.

> Get full access for a more in-depth Stock Analysis

>Sign Up for Free

Why sign up if it's all supposed to be free?

A security layer for bots to not scrape my whole website and burning my server :D.

You can use a fake email address if you want.

I am not here to sell your data; that is Zuckerberg's job.

Sorry for the inconvenience. Nevertheless everything is completely free. I just want to help small investors to fight the big hedge funds

Favorites lists seem to be the main reason, at least for now

Overall, super cool!

There are definitely some bugs to iron out. For example, multiple stocks just won’t load for me. If I happen to hit “favorite” on a stock that hasn’t fully loaded, it will make a new favorites list with just that one stock in it.

Thank you for creating and sharing this tool! I look forward to using it and I’d be happy to test out features if you’re looking for volunteers.

That makes me happy!

Can you join me on discord: https://discord.com/invite/gQwuEARTK8 This bug that you mentioned I cant reproduce it :(

I would love to create more features and tools for small investors. If you can help out as a volunteer that would mean a lot to me.

"Created a free website that simplifies stock analysis"

"Sign Up for Free"

Why do I need to sign up for more, this is more like freemium?

Also I use finviz.co and Yahoo Finance which doesn't gate financial information and is available for free with no signups needed.

A security layer for bots to not scrape my whole website and burning my server :D.

You can use a fake email address if you want.

Sorry for the inconvenience. Nevertheless everything is completely free.

Well finviz and yahoo are well established companies where in my case it is a solo project. I want to make sure nobody is crashing my server while i am buying groceries.

There is no team behind this project. Just me!

I like what you’ve done here but I’m confused by the AI Price prediction. It seems to show that the price could go up, stay about the same, or go down. That’s true of pretty much any stock. There must be something I am missing.

Price prediction follows a gaussian distribution. The "Highest, Average, Lowest" are showing the value of the 68% confidence level.

Neat site especially for free! Does the stock screener only allow rules based on fundamentals or can it use technical rules also like crossing moving averages and so forth?

Thank you! I will expand the rules of the stock screener further to include fundamental data as well as technical indicators :)

Thanks - it looks like it currently has what I would call fundamental data - things like EPS - but not technical indicators - moving averages etc. see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technical_analysis

First of all,

Thank you guys for the support, feature request and the bunch of bugs report that I received to make the website better.

Lots of you guys mentioned they don't like the concept of sign-up to the website when the information should be free.

I removed all barriers and you can now enjoy the website without signing up whatsoever.

The only reason to sign-up is to add stocks in your watchlist, participate in the portfolio tournament, share your memes, write a comment.

If there is anything else how to improve the website I would highly appreciate it :)

Impressive compilation of data, a nice UI, and even a custom forum section? This is all really great stuff! How long did it take you, and what’s your end game with the site?

Thanks you very much.

I started to learn webdev a couple of months ago and I thought "learning by doing" so I started to code this website for fun and as a new challenge for me to learn new skillsets.

The endgame of the site would be to help the poor/middle class in the stock market to actually make some profitable trades with the help of simple signals backed by statistics.

A nice community where we can laugh and share our gains and losses. A community where the big hedge funds would be scared of because of the power of the 99 % :D.

Thats the whole motivation of my journey

> help the poor/middle class in the stock market to actually make some profitable trades with the help of simple signals backed by statistic

The poor/middle class are more likely to be pissed off at you when they discover, like you will, that throwing a kitchen-sink full of data at an algorithm is no substitute for hard manual work researching stocks.

You're not the first to have this amazing idea, you won't be the last. AI stock-selection is the new TA, back in the 90's everyone thought TA was the best thing since sliced bread and reading tea-leaves on a chart would magically give you the right selections. Throwing AI is simply nothing more than that.

I've seen the $$$$ commercial versions of what you're offering, they're all as bad as each other.

Hell, the financial vendors (Bloomberg etc.) give such functionality away free with a subscription because they know its a marketing gimmick that nobody uses seriously.

Researching stocks is hard work. You need to know the company, you need to know the sector. And that's before we start taking individual elements into account such as whether the investment is even appropriate for the individual, for example one of your "poor/middle class" would be making a grave mistake by "investing" in some illiquid penny stock even if your AI algorithm was insisting it was the next big thing.

That's the problem with AI. Its very good at sounding very confident about stuff whilst being completely wrong at the same time.

I strongly agree with you.

I too believe that most AI results are false and only works in a optimal environment such as the stock is always liquid and the bid-ask spread is close to none.

Nevertheless, I give my best to make this signals as reliable as possible. I strongly encourage everyone to make their homework.

I provide all the most important fundamental data for each stock, e.g. income, balance-sheet, cash-flow. See here for more [link redacted]

> help the poor/middle class in the stock market to actually make some profitable trades

This is great spirit, but the lower class would probably be better suited for simple index funds. Not that they don't deserve the possibility of higher returns from individual stocks, but it takes quite a bit of time doing proper research to find alpha. It would be a better use of time earning more money or learning about general personal financial management than trying to find the next Apple for a couple hundred dollar investment.

> This is great spirit, but the lower class would probably be better suited for simple index funds.

I fully understand you.

However, I strongly believe to beat the system where the rich people are flourishing too much and the poor are getting poorer everyday due to inflation, there must be some way to stop it. Maybe AGI?

In the meantime I will do everything I can to serve the poor/middle class to survive on better terms during these hard times.

> I strongly believe to beat the system where the rich people are flourishing too much and the poor are getting poorer everyday due to inflation

You are digging yourself rapidly into a hole, please stop digging.

The rich manage their money through capital preservation, investing for income not aggressive growth.

Meanwhile you are promoting an aggressive growth strategy to the very people who cannot afford it. It will only end in tears.

"Never invest more than you can afford to loose" - the very first rule in the book.

Yes, of course I agree the poor need to move higher up the ladder. But aggressive, high-risk growth punting on the stockmarkets is NOT the way to do it. Higher minimum wage, ending zero-hours contracts etc. .... that is the way to do it.

My goal was never an aggressive growth strategy. I am sure I never mentioned this once on my website.

Rather I encourage my users to do due diligence for each of their stocks. And in this journey my website [name redacted] comes into the play where I provide high accuracy, free information to the public

> My goal was never an aggressive growth strategy. I am sure I never mentioned this once on my website.

Strongly implied given your defined target market.

"poor/middle class" combined with "AI magically generating buy signals" is only going to lead to one thing, people who cannot afford to take risks blindly following an AI bot that is highly-likely to be wrong.

You really need to ramp up the due-diligence messaging on your website. And you also need to ramp up the "bot is unlikely to be right" messaging too.

I wish you well on your endeavor, I'm just cautioning you against overselling the skills of a bot that you've just thrown a kitchen sink of data at in the hope that something sticks.

It's not about an AGI solution. Keep in mind if I have access to the _good-AGI_ then Bill Gates will have access to the _better-AGI_ and will always outperform me. For us, the little people, as the parent suggested, spreading our investments to some decent (YMMV/AFAIK) mutual funds will ''''guarantee'''' that desired 13-15-17% growth per year.

I never make it a race against someone else, I only look at the clock and the years till I retire.

Great initiative! It is really impressive how much you have accomplished in such a short amount of time and with limited resources. I am definitely going to explore your website further.

Thank you, that means a lot to me

thank you! - minor feedback, make the end URL case-insensitive for those that want to navigate by URL quickly




Thanks for the feedback.

I will fix it :)

Hey I'm just shocked and excited that someone from the neighborhood has started such an awesome project which I also had in mind. I also wanted to work with a friend to develop a robo advisor, I'm also new to the subject but I already have a bit of data science and machine learning experience. I will have a look at your website later and give you feedback. great happening! generated by DeepL, if you know what I mean :D reference to the same neighborhood

Glad you liked it.

Im happy someone from the DeepL community from cologne liked the website.

I would be happy to hear your feedback.

Small bug: The signup form didn't like when my password had special characters. Kept saying "invalid data".

Thank you for the bug report :) I will fix it asap

Did you roll your own trading bot? What kind of trading strategies is it using to give buy/sell signals?

Can you please add prices/dates/labels/ticks to the main chart on the overview page


I will add "Advanced Charts" in the near future where you will get a much more sophisticated chart analysis tool for free :)


signin with google does not work

thanks for the bug report. I can't reproduce the bug.

Google sign-in works for me.

Anybody else who has the same issue?

why is signup required for a free product?

A security layer for bots to not scrape my whole website and burning my server :D.

You can use a fake email address if you want.

I am not here to sell your data; that is Zuckerberg's job.

Sorry for the inconvenience. Nevertheless everything is completely free. I just want to help small investors to fight the big hedge funds

I will also assume (I am not connected to the developer) that I/you/we will be able to save "favorites" and other functionality that would 'remain' in the profile (apart from the reasonable reasons the dev explains on his/her response).

I (anyway) use single-use accounts for such services.. doesn't anyone?

Not exactly sure what you mean by "(I am not connected to the developer)"

< I (anyway) use single-use accounts for such services.. doesn't anyone? I have not problem if you create a fake account. As long as chinese/russian/iranian bots don't attack me I'm good :D

Awesome and beautiful website !

That means a lot to me. Thank you


Nope I'm not interested in your data. I am building several AI Trading bots that give clear signals for each stock on a daily basis. These signals are not 100 % correct. You should take a look at the backtesting result.

I am very open about each model and stock performance.

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