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    Will it be open source?

    I'm a firm believer in open source software and open
    source technologies. I can guarantee you that Light Table 
    will be built on top of the technologies that are freely 
    available to us today. As such, I believe it only fair 
    that the core of Light Table be open sourced once it is 
    launched, while some of the plugins may remained closed 
    source. At some level, this is an experiment in how open 
    source and business can mix - it will be educational for 
    us all.

Yes, but the rewards also mention a license, that will apparently be based on 'pay what you think it's worth'. It all seems very vague to me and I'm not sure how it all will work. Might just be me though.

This is what investing is like.

Doesn't that just translate into "I believe in Open Source when it's stuff that I can use for free and as long as it doesn't take away from my revenue"? What kind of belief is that?

Open Source Business models have been under debate and development for a while now, making it seem like he needs to "experiment" here shows that he doesn't have much insight into the Ecosystem to begin with.

To me "once it's launched" means it's a cathedral design where no one will see what's going on with the project until some future date.

I'd prefer it if third-party contributions were allowed right away, and I'd be completely fine with only the core developers being paid. I think getting early feedback from users who care enough to contribute would be invaluable here.

even though he is not a politician, reading first 5 words that he believes in something bla bla bla, BUT. There is always that BUT.

Just answer yes or no, thats how simple it should be.

I completely agree, I noted it too.

Basically, what he is saying is "It's not going to be open source or free software." but in a way that makes it sound less bad.

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