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Show HN: Zero to Hero – A Haskell Puzzle Game (zerotohero.fly.dev)
22 points by tonysickpony 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite
Hi HN. I am a researcher from Monash University. For one of our projects, we made a Haskell puzzle game called Zero to Hero. I invite you to try out the puzzles and share your thoughts (optional).

The game contains 10 unique puzzles; each challenges you to implement a seemingly impossible function. You will seek help from a handful of strange-looking helper functions and your own wits. The game starts easy but quickly escalates into madness. The game requires you to be comfortable with basic Haskell syntax to progress. But no other prior knowledge is needed.

You can choose to participate in our study or play for fun without any data collection at all. No stress. More details are explained on the landing page.


Go ahead and enjoy the puzzles!

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