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Show HN: Generate a video to animate stars of any GitHub repository (scastiel.dev)
42 points by scastiel on Dec 1, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 16 comments
I made this as a fun tiny project to experiment with Remotion [1] to generate videos. You can find the source code on GitHub [2].

[1] https://www.remotion.dev/

[2] https://github.com/scastiel/github-stars-video

Neat! There's something pretty satisfying about the animation :)

I wish I could tune the video duration and make the ones with 100k+ stars go on fooooooooorever, maybe also with a (compressed) timeline that shows roughly when "batches" of likes happen. Like when you fast forward through a YouTube live recording with the emoji

Haha I am not sure it would be that nice to have a video that lasts 2 minutes to display GitHub stars ;)

You never know! Maybe there'll be constellations among them and a subculture of Github astronomers will develop

Just make sure not to confuse them with the GitHub astrologers, they might get upset.

Why would someone need an animation of a repo's GitHub stars? Showing off in a slide in a tech talk?

Yes, or on Twitter, LinkedIn…

Great work and cool-looking animation. Is there a way to extend the duration from 0 to current stars?

Yes, I just changed it, makes more sense :)

Maybe add to readme example of output? Either gif/mp4 with segment of animation?

Yes I’ll add more information about the project: example output, how it works, tech stack, etc.

Simple and intuitive. Love the scrolling animation of the user profiles. I guess if it were slightly slower, perhaps it would be better.

Funny! Nice idea.

If this were done as an animated SVG, then it would be quite easy to have this embedded so it is always up to date.

Indeed that would be nice, but the main use case I had in mind is about sharing on social media, and as far as I know they don’t support animated SVG…

That is a good point. I thought this was for embedding on a README

The "404" animation is great

Glad you like it '^^

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