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Top PR firm Edelman uses 'trust barometer' to promote autocrats (theguardian.com)
3 points by Geekette on Nov 26, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

There was a running joke in yugoslavia and post-yugoslav countries, that "back then", you clearly knew what you could say and what you weren't allowed to say and everyone knew that... now, that we have "freedom", you better not say anything, because you have no idea what you are not allowed to say and when.

I live in a small EU country, democracy, eu values, and all that crap, and I don't trust our government at all. Also didn't trust the previous one, nor the one before, which is almost the same as now, and one before, which is the same as now, nor one before that, which was the same as the previous one. Nor do I trust the EU, due to many reasons, many of which have been mentioned here too (invading privacy, e2e encryption, etc. every few months) and many others, not so tech-based.

yet it is undoubtedly true that trust in institutions in Guardian endorsed countries is declining year on year. The crisis which the Edelman barometer points to is very real - and won't be recovered by old media attempts to censor unfavoured opinions

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