I am living in Taiwan and want to create a startup. The business will be mostly open source and likely to have low to no revenue.
I see that US states like Colorado have no franchise tax. But I also saw posts here that Delaware is usually ultimately cheaper.
What is the recommendation for a company to manage an open source project? Sure it might be worth money, but likely not, so I would like to keep money tight.
Delaware is definitely not the cheapest or even in contention for the cheapest.
Still, if you want to raise capital, the correct answer is DE C Corp. If you're not looking for external funding, any state will do. If you care about anonymity, do Nevada or Wyoming. If you don't care about anonymity, Colorado is actually a very good choice. Very simple, intuitive online filing system that accepts filings instantaneously. Filing fees as cheap as anywhere in the country. No need for an attorney (or LegalZoom or some other random service) unless you just don't feel like dealing with it.
Costs will likely be $50 to file, Registered Agent (as cheap as $30 per annum), and $10 periodic report fee annually every year you're in business. Colorado is even nice enough to send plenty of reminders on when to file that report if you give them an email address.
Since you're a US citizen, my instinct would be LLC taxed as an S corp. But confirm with your accountant!
Good luck!