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Generating MDX from string templates is a bad idea (azan-n.pages.dev)
3 points by azan-n 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Just an exploration I did a while back.

In retrospect, I also realize that the idea of generating MDX, which is essentially a React component in this context, using templating libraries that I was used to like Handlebars, is possibly the most terrible idea I could come up with to solve this. Anyway, would love to hear your thoughts.

Interesting article!

Do you think Mintlify could be a viable choice if and when it supports OpenAPI more comprehensively? Currently, my company uses Mintlify and I find it to be suitable for purpose but in the future, we may end up using OpenAPI.

Thanks for reading. I should probably have added that I did this exploration a few months ago and from the updates that I've read from Mintlify, I think they support most if not all of our use cases now, including automated doc generation from OpenAPI specs

Hello! Founder of Mintlify here - would love to hear what features were missing for your use case so that we can work on them.

Hello there,

I've had long conversations about our requirements at Cryptlex with Kate from your team but it has been a while since and I am aware that you have improved OpenAPI spec support greatly.

From whatever updates I have followed, I think Mintlify completely supports our use cases now but I'm not too sure if the packaging of the plans is well-suited for us.

I'll drop Kate another message after an internal discussion and we'll look into Mintlify again. Thanks for reading my naive exploration.

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