I'm sorry that my comments come off as harsh, but the original line struck me as so completely basic it's like something you would tell someone who had never worked in IT. They clarified later that they had tried to plan ahead but came up a little short, which I can understand; no estimation is perfect.
I have no idea how many users Sportsline had but it was a bunch. Peaks of 64k hits per second on the dynamic layer, up to 8 gigabits sustained traffic in one datacenter... it was pretty ugly on firefighting days. I don't mean to poop on them, but if they're as big as they seem to be I hold them to a higher standard than a 6 month old start-up fresh out of college.
I agree it's hard. The fact that they were able to handle the traffic they did with only a small amount of downtime is a testament to the fact that they did have their shit together (as well they should with the number of users they had already).
I have no idea how many users Sportsline had but it was a bunch. Peaks of 64k hits per second on the dynamic layer, up to 8 gigabits sustained traffic in one datacenter... it was pretty ugly on firefighting days. I don't mean to poop on them, but if they're as big as they seem to be I hold them to a higher standard than a 6 month old start-up fresh out of college.
I agree it's hard. The fact that they were able to handle the traffic they did with only a small amount of downtime is a testament to the fact that they did have their shit together (as well they should with the number of users they had already).