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Show HN: GitHub Organization Analytics (ossinsight.io)
48 points by Hooopo 11 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Very nice.

Not really related, while looking at the network requests I saw that all GET are returning the sql query needed to generate the results. Is this the sign of specific sql-rest technology?

Also impressed that all of those metrics seems to be running with a Postgres of some sort.

Edit: it's a mysql https://github.com/pingcap/ossinsight/blob/dfbf7ff4709cfe26d...

It's MySQL-Compatible database for scale and real-time analytics https://github.com/pingcap/tidb

If you go to overview you will find this.

"Yes! We integrated the capabilities of Text2SQL into Chat2Query, an AI-powered SQL generator in TiDB Cloud. If you want to explore any other dataset, Chat2Query is an excellent choice."

Why does scrolling down and then back up require re-rendering the entire graph again? Just render it once and there you go.

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