| | Ask HN: Best Tech Courses/Certifications Under $400 for a Back End Engineer? | |
107 points by ridiculous_leke 12 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 65 comments
| | I'm a mid-level Software Engineer with a focus on Backend engineering, primarily working with application servers and some DevOps. I have a budget of $400 and I'm looking for recommendations on technology courses or certifications that can help me advance my skills. My main goal is to work on a personal project related to distributed systems, but I'm also considering certifications like AWS Solutions Architect and CKAD to enhance my job prospects. Can you recommend specific courses or certifications within this budget? Additionally, I'd love to hear about any personal experiences or insights you have regarding these certifications or technology courses. Your advice will be greatly appreciated! |
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Your 400 dollars is probably better spent making mistakes building your own personal project on aws/or some other cloud provider.