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Show HN: Decorate Java stack traces with source code snippets (github.com/laech)
110 points by laech 11 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 21 comments

This is pretty awesome! This got me curious if I can do this in C# so I took a quick stab at it. It's not actually updating the original stack trace but it's kind of cool. Might be worth exploring further :)

    static void Main()
            throw new DivideByZeroException("Boom!");
        catch (Exception ex)
            var trace = new StackTrace(ex, true);
            var frame = trace.GetFrame(0);

            var targetFilename = frame.GetFileName();
            var targetLineNumber = frame.GetFileLineNumber();

            Console.WriteLine($"Exception occurred at {targetFilename}, line {targetLineNumber}");

            if (File.Exists(targetFilename))
                var source = File.ReadAllLines(targetFilename);
                var startIndex = Math.Max(0, targetLineNumber - 3);
                var endIndex = Math.Min(source.Length - 1, targetLineNumber + 1);

                for (var i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++)
                    var lineNumber = i + 1;
                    Console.WriteLine($"{(lineNumber == targetLineNumber ? $">> {lineNumber}" : $"   {lineNumber}")}{source[i]}");

I did this a while back for Python:


Likewise, but for Golang:


Cool, since 3.11 similar feature comes as default

Reminds me of power assertions in Groovy - one of my favorite features!

Yep they are amazing. Never been a fan of alternative JVM languages, but wrote most tests in Groovy just for this feature.

There is a great library to add power assertions to Kotlin apps:


You just add the Gradle plugin and you're done.

Thanks for publishing. From the title was expecting that we'd get the code snippet related to the code itself, rather than the junit where the code failed.

But I guess for such feature to be possible you'd have to pack the source code inside the jar itself.

Just tested it, and it does print code snippets of the related code of the source code of my project, and not just of the test itself.

Loving it! Building a Maven Surefire plug-in to do this was on my list of potential side projects for quite a while, so cool that someone finally did this. Even better as a JUnit extension. Congrats on the release, can't wait to give it a try!.

One big "off-label" use of stack traces for me is to determine the caller method of the current method. I use it in a lightly customised log function to also log the name of the method that has emitted the log.

If you're using Java 9+ there is an official API to do that. It's the StackWaker class.


Many thanks. Will look at it.

If I understand your use case, most loggers (like Logback) have the possiblity to automatically include the name of the method that called the log-statement.

Logback even supports including the call chain in the output, so you could include the parent method, grand parent method etc. This probably uses reflection, so it could have a negative impact for applications that need a high performance.


Thanks. Will take a look. I don't use logging frameworks in smaller projects.

FYI: for the gradle dependencies section on the read me, both junit4 and junit5 say junit5.

Thanks for pointing that out, it's now fixed.

This look pretty useful, thanks.

Great work - I like this a lot

Awesome !! Good to see this

Very cool work!

Some unsolicited opinion: One potential code pet peeve i always have is that the overloads being used in java serves no purpose, but makes the code super confusing to read without using an IDE.

For example, https://github.com/laech/java-stacksrc/blob/main/core/src/ma... , which is code to decorate the stacktrace element, calls the function `decorate`. However, there's several overloads, all named decorate! It is certainly a better naming convention to call it `decorateElement` imho.

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