I had a hell of a time trying to actually use the ASP.Net MVC sourcecode on a project a while ago. The problem was that while my own project compiled fine, many of the dependencies I was using were built against a signed version of the ASP.NET MVC DLL. Since the version of the DLL I was using wasn't signed (with Microsoft's key), those dependencies wouldn't work against the version I was compiling. If you compile everything from source, this isn't a problem, but I had a number of dependencies that had been distributed as DLLs, and for reasons now obscure to me (but likely due to time pressures), I wasn't able to replace all those dependencies with source.
I guess the moral of the story is that if you're in .Net land and want to take advantage of this, make sure you do everything with source from the get-go.
I guess the moral of the story is that if you're in .Net land and want to take advantage of this, make sure you do everything with source from the get-go.