The CERN folks are a humorous bunch, I assume one of them is responsible for naming this epic roundabout close to CERN the "large car collider" on Google maps
Requiring to upload full portfolio and diplomas in the first step with probability of success as in any other job application, and the salaries... ehhh you're expected to live off "the prestige".
The second highest is 108k CHF annually so we're looking rather at something around 70k. In Zurich. As a new arrival one is always expected to "put their foot in the door" and once you walk in, you learn you don't belong.
Depends with whom you compare youself. First, as others pointed out, CERN is 100k for an entry level position that is tax excempt. Second, while I don't know about Zurich, 70k are enough to live a comfortable live in Munich. Not sure whatelse people wanr, because 70k is way above what most people in, in my example, Munich earn, and those people live as well.
Maybe people should step out of their pseudo-rich bubble and become a little bit more modest. Also, not measuring everything based on one figure, e.g. yearly salary, propably improves live quality quite a bit.
This all might be true if housing is somehow not a problem. Otherwise one is forced to climb up from the bottom-most layer of a pit of scams and abuse.
You've unfortunately been breaking the site guidelines a ton lately. If that keeps up, we're going to have to ban your account. I don't want to ban you, so would you please review the rules and stick to them? We want thoughtful, substantive, and above all curious conversation here. We don't want snark, name-calling, or flamewar.
I actually worked in this same office, can't say I collaborated on it. But i'll tell you how it was built.
CERN is a place where you can find plenty of tech garbage. In fact, there is a dedicated garbage container on each building, you can find non working computers, keyboards, even physics experiment stuff there.
It was summer and we were dying of heat working there. Productivity was zero. Given it's an open office AC was non-viable.
Here comes my friend Marcel, resourceful german smart guy -among the most interesting people i've met- guy decided to take the matter onto his hands and thought he could just take off the fan from old computers and join em up to create a huge one. So he went onto garbages around and handpicked the fans he needed -the thing should actually be called "Marcel Andre's Fans"- although it wouldn't be useful until next summer, the thing became a bonding after work experiment. Eventually Justinas, the guy you see in github as the author of PhantilatorOS joined the project and worked as Marcel's assistant, eventually taking over and creating PhantilatorOS.
The end result was damn powerful, you turned that thing on and you could really _feel_ the air breeze, and could actually graduate it by a knob.
Happy to say, the next summer, the problem was solved and the Phantilator went into use... By Andrius and me the two guys who didn't collaborate but enjoyed the benefits of those two guys Marcel and Justinas.
I'm pretty sure some of the software we built was thrown away. Happy to tell you the Phantilator is still there to aid for summer heat on that office.
Other funny note, we had an old computer where you ssh'ed and as the disk went out it turned off the light switch.
I hope this isn't too unrelated, but I've named []( my Best World Wide Web Site of The Year Award for 13 years in a row!
Edit: for context, the original post title was “OnlyFans” (pointing out the joke subdomain,