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Build123d: A Python CAD programming library (github.com/gumyr)
2 points by fanf2 on Sept 19, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

> Build123d is a python-based, parametric, boundary representation (BREP) modeling framework for 2D and 3D CAD. It's built on the Open Cascade geometric kernel and allows for the creation of complex models using a simple and intuitive python syntax. Build123d can be used to create models for 3D printing, CNC machining, laser cutting, and other manufacturing processes. Models can be exported to a wide variety of popular CAD tools such as FreeCAD and SolidWorks.

> Build123d could be considered as an evolution of CadQuery where the somewhat restrictive Fluent API (method chaining) is replaced with stateful context managers - e.g. with blocks - thus enabling the full python toolbox: for loops, references to objects, object sorting and filtering, etc

Is there a jupyter-cadquery -like tool for build123d?

"Render with Blender and/or o3de" https://github.com/bernhard-42/jupyter-cadquery/issues/99

Is there a blenderGPT-like tool trained on build123d Python models?

examples/heat_exchanger.py: https://github.com/gumyr/build123d/blob/dev/examples/heat_ex...

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