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> It's how I can get a new job and call myself a Data Scientist, but as Rachel Dolezal is mentioned in the article, cannot alter her appearance and be Black.

This theme was already explored in the literature [0]:

> Former NAACP chapter head Rachel Dolezal’s attempted transition from the white to the black race occasioned heated controversy. Her story gained notoriety at the same time that Caitlyn Jenner* graced the cover of Vanity Fair, signaling a growing acceptance of transgender identity. Yet criticisms of Dolezal for misrepresenting her birth race indicate a widespread social perception that it is neither possible nor acceptable to change one’s race in the way it might be to change one’s sex. Considerations that support transgenderism seem to apply equally to transracialism.

Unfortunately, just as is happening here, instead of engaging with the substance of the paper on its own merits, there were widespread calls to simply retract the paper and dispose of it down the memory hole [1].

[0] Tuvel, R. (2017). In Defense of Transracialism. Hypatia, 32(2), 263–278. doi:10.1111/hypa.12327 (https://sci-hub.se/https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/...)

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypatia_transracialism_controv...

> Unfortunately, just as is happening here, instead of engaging with the substance of the paper on its own merits, there were widespread calls to simply retract the paper and dispose of it down the memory hole.

What's your explanation for this, what do you suppose the retraction advocates explanation is, and why might they be different?

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