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A better escape we have is to drastically inflate the limits we have on immigration -- for workers.

Much of the supply of labor shortage that has led to inflation is in the food services, construction, landscaping industries; Of which, the US uses h2b migrant visa to seasonally fulfill some of; but that has led us to competition amongst the states, with a high fee, low local reinvestment rate.

Aging population is a global problem, but I agree this is a solution for wealthy countries. Will it actually happen? Maybe in the U.S, but it seems many other countries are trending anti-immigrant. We will see.

> the limits we have on immigration

It works only for rich diverse countries (US, Canada). For countries like South Korea or Japan, it would be painful for those societies to bring in a huge number migrants they need.

with all the inbred anti-immigrant bigots that make up a large percentage of american society, in this scenario, america's fate is sealed.

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