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AntiX Linux 23 Released (antixlinux.com)
21 points by jandeboevrie on Aug 30, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

I don't get it. True to the name, AntiX seems to define themselves by what they're against; but I don't really see why I'd use it instead of say, Alpine.

Puzzling that the page has a headline declaring it "Proudly anti-fascist", but has nothing in the FAQ/About explaining what that means in this context.

AntiX is a pretty old distro, it wasn't against anything originally, iirc it was named after its creator - but now they take pride in being systemd-less.

So there’s antiX with X and also antiX with no X? And I thought it’s somehow related to the Service Formerly Known As Twitter.

AntiX = Systemd-less Debian.

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