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Show HN: Dumbar, a not so smart menubar app (jerrysv.xyz)
60 points by jerrysievert on Aug 26, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments
I created this to fill a need, accessing those silly LLMs from the menu bar instead of a web browser or command line.

It relies 100% on Ollama, but gives you an easy way to make queries against multiple models, and provides a few sample modelfiles for you.

open source, of course.

https://github.com/JerrySievert/Dumbar to skip the blog post and go straight to the code and release.

Hey, you say "you need an Apple Silicon mac. Hey, don't blame me! It's all Ollama runs out at the time of this post", but according to the Ollama PRs/issues, Intel support was added a few weeks ago.

oh, that's fantastic! I was going off the website, I can amend the post and I already have an x64 release I can upload to the releases.

thanks for the update!

edited to add, it's all updated!

For everyone else confused, "menubar" here I think refers to the system menu bar in MacOS.

niiice - i also worked on an llm menubar app until i added enough that I found myself using it as a secondary browser


more approaches the better! i considered adding ollama but no ui and i have a ui centric approach

This is great, thanks!

Ollama support would be amazing, especially with the recent integration of codellama and phind-codellama. I’m sure you’re aware, but for the benefit of anyone else: there is a third party Ollama web ui[1] linked to from the ollama project homepage. It’s barebones, but does the trick.

[1]: https://github.com/ollama-ui/ollama-ui

I'll have to download this and try. This is super cool, and thank you for sharing!

Ollama does currently support both Apple silicon macs and Intel macs as well.

thank you for the correction! I've updated both the readme and the blog post, and uploaded an x64 release as well.

By the way, your site is a tad broken on Firefox on Android.

Screenshot: https://photos.app.goo.gl/D1sTRNZqZArTMAbSA

On my device it doesn't seem to detect it's a mobile and flows way off the screen.

Shameless to insert my app here, also open source and provides quick access from menu bar.


Super cool. I just realized who you were from your handle and wanted say that your work on electron over the years has been absolutely amazing. Thank you for all you've done & built.

This looks really nice. I couldn't tell from the repo or website whether it supports the ollama api?

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