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CIAM for the Single Application (ciamweekly.substack.com)
14 points by mooreds on Aug 24, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

I hope passkeys mean the end of social log in.

Social log in suffers from a discoverability problem "Hmm did I log in with Facebook or Apple? who knows". Being on the customer support end trying to deal with people trying to find out what magic Email apple generated for them is always a pain. Or people throwing away their facebook accounts etc.

Passkeys give similar benefits (no password to remember; works across devices). And it is discoverable! (Browser will tell you that you have a passkey available for the website).

Given Sign in With Apple doesn't by default give away customer information anyway, Apple should just move the SIWA button to trigger passkey flow instead.

Have you seen passkeys implemented anywhere? I saw it on best buy, and there's this directory https://passkeys.directory/ but I haven't stumbled across it in the wild when signing up or evaluating dev tools (which seems like a likely market with early adopters).

I think that passkeys have a problem for initial authentication. Cross platform hardware like Yubikeys cost money and aren't a good fit for the average consumer.

The easiest methods to use are tied to a device (Face ID, Touch Id, Android Fingerprint, etc), unless you trust google/apple to make them cross device. In which case you might as well do single sign on with Apple or Google.

Yes, you can register multiple devices to a single user account, and that makes some sense, but it's a bit of a pain. And since passkeys are all about alleviating friction, this isn't a great workflow to require.

I think passkeys do make a ton of sense as an unphishable MFA method.

What am I missing?

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