| | #2 Man Problem | |
2 points by paulpauper on Aug 16, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
| | During the War on Terror, a recurring joke or meme is that they (the US forces) kept capturing the "#2 guys", not the #1 guy, that obviously being Bin Laden. It's like they had captured a dozen "#2 guys" or second in command. It seems like the same for me and maybe others in business or other aspects in life : no matter what, I keep finding myself with #2 guys, but never the number 1 or the top person. Why is it so hard to get in touch with the top person or top people. It could be that #1 people do not need to waste their time with #2 people. #2 guys can be competent, but the chasm between #1 and #2 is sometimes huge. we're talking like night and day difference . just sucks how I'm always stuck with #2 people. can never find the top people. anyone else have this problem. |
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No wonder not just the supposed "#1" people wouldn't want to get with someone with that attitude, but even "#8" or anybody for that matter!