I consider myself to be a pretty good prompter. Been using the LLMs for a long time now. Most of the time I manage to get the desired results out of LLM models. Do you think this skill is anywhere useful?
So far it has saved me some time on my work, but I don't think promoting will be any relevant in the near future. People can and will build models that follow the same mode of thought.
You have a short statement, with a description of your problem and the answer is a long text.
Sometimes we prefer verbose, sometimes concise. Sometimes a word already has all the meaning we need, another time we need a long description and examples. Depends on our level of knowledge.
So from my limited point of view, you excell at moving any statement into something you can comprehend easily or that is helpful to you.
That is a nice skill and it should vastly improve your ability to communicate and express yourself.
Like beeing able to use a search engine before, it is very beneficial. Not a skill someone would hire you for, but a skill that aids many tidous tasks.
Again, my limited opinion. Maybe it is more magical and has deep practical applications, that I am oblivious to.