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Yup - for anyone else, this link is junk. It's a page that says they have a million views on Tiktok and please give some money.

It’s a project raising money for the documentary. Goal of the doc is to raise awareness about walkability.

It's an honourable goal - but the page needs to tell us why you're the right person to make this documentary!

How do you plan on proving your hypothesis? What evidence do you have to support it? Who have you spoken to who agrees and can support - who disagrees? What will the viewer learn from your documentary that they will not from elsewhere? Is it a documentary that the viewer will get excited about to see? If I disagree with you completely, might I watch it and have my mind changed? - These are questions I would want answered from such a site.

I'm afraid the website looks more like a political campaign, collecting cash from those who agree with you. Or a merch store with a catchy slogan.

Honestly I wish you well, I've supported indie docs before - these are just my first impressions from this site.

Thanks for the tips. I’ll use your advice to revamp the site.

That's a nice goal, but the site doesn't deliver the promise of the headline. You don't cite a single study or back up that headline on the site. The site title doesn't match the headline.

It's spammy to bait-and-switch with a submission that says one thing and then takes me to a page that tries to sell me a hat and make a donation - and utterly fails to provide any substance to back up the claim.

Thanks for the feedback. I'm going to include studies and useful facts on the website. Although it's more of a landing page from social media than an info destination

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