Oh this is fantastic. I had no idea curl could even do this sort of thing. Every time I think I have my head around everything curl can do, I am proven wrong. It really is an amazing tool that enables so many things.
Very straightforward reason: less capabilities for naughty executables to "live off the land" from.
Kind of like the sysadmins removing any scripting languages and compilers from servers to avoid giving rogue processes any leg up.
It's legitimately making it harder for baddies to exploit a way in.
...Though it's never been easier to package your own interpreter (micropython or equivalent), so I don't expect it slows people down much.
In the mindset of MS: legit devs should package their own tooling, and baddies shouldn't get the freebies.
curl is fantastic. There's also HTTPStat which provides a waterfall visualization on top of curl timings: https://github.com/reorx/httpstat
There's also Skytrace (made by yours truly), which provides timing info as a waterfall visualization inspired by HTTPStat + lots more (syntax highlighting for responses, built-in JMESPath support, command-line assertions and checks etc) - https://github.com/artilleryio/artillery/tree/main/packages/...
Maybe don't include the "\n" in the triple-click selection so that one can inspect it before hitting enter. Currently it copies the "\n" to the clipboard and then when you paste in the terminal it directly executes.
curl is such an amazing tool. Most of my coworkers are not comfortable with the command line and prefer to use GUI tools like postman. Having curl as part of your shell's history is a minor super power.
What was that API end point that was failing 3 months ago with a weird status?
1. Hit C-r for reverse search (bonus if you've got fzf installed)
2. Type a partial URL
3. Identify the curl command you want, and hit enter.
I recently used timing support (as described in the article). I actually found it in AWS docs when I was trying to understand why things weren't as fast as expected. Now it's in permanent record in my shell.