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Having gone through this two years ago at the height of car unavailability, it really was take what was available. You don’t want that $50 first aid kit that comes in a canvas bag and has a few band aids in it? Too bad, you’re buying it. (I offered to sell mine to the sales person, but he wouldn’t bite.) don’t want the rails that could just be unscrewed by literally anyone at the dealership, too bad, $500. Fortunately, those were the only things we were stuck with.

When Scion was around it was supposed to be customer driven, but the sales people were the same Toyota salespeople and couldn’t help themselves. Are treacherous people drawn to (car) sales or does sales make people treacherous?

Nitrogen fill on the tires. Complete bullshit. It's a marketing company

For people who checking air in tires is not a habit, nitrogen will keep them full a bit longer. A bit scammy as sold, sure, but cars are optimized for minimal maintanice these days. For the unaware, common atmospheric air is like 80% nitrogen already.

Here I thought nitrogen filling was to avoid oxygen being pressed through into the rubber, reducing oxidation...

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