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The solutions presented great.

The made sense.

They smelled good.

They made great leadership stories.

...but none of it actually mattered to the customer.


Reminds me of a project life cycle cartoon I first saw in a software book early in my career.

Just now searched for "systems analysis tyre cartoon" and selected this page, which seems the best, on a brief look, since it has both some history and multiple versions of the cartoon:


There are more modern versions too, with additional panels, like: https://pmac-agpc.ca/sites/default/files/Tree.jpg

I especially like “how the customer was billed”.

>I especially like “how the customer was billed”.

Good one. A Bridge Too Far ... (1)

I shall sell them a naayysse lil ship in Arizona.

(1) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Bridge_Too_Far_(film)

I like number 7, the documentation one, which really goes to show how little the real item is understood while everyone else is creating/imagining their own version. Dissociation within the whole team.

Nice one, I mean, nice seven. ;-)

Also, after reading your comment, I went back and looked at all the panels.

I now see a Zen-like quality of nothingness in 5, 7 and 10.

My link actually includes yours and many more, even non-computer ones.

Where exactly? I’m not seeing it; I’m on mobile if that matters.

Mobile here too. You have to scroll down.

Edit: Sorry, I was wrong. Must have mixed them up.

No problem, thanks for checking.

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