hi hn, hydra ceo here
hydra is an open source, column-oriented postgres. you can set up remarkably fast aggregates on your project in minutes to query billions of rows instantly.
postgres is great, but aggregates can take minutes to hours to return results on large data sets. long-running analytical queries hog database resources and degrade performance. use hydra to run much faster analytics on postgres without making code changes. data is automatically loaded into columnar format and compressed. connect to hydra with your preferred postgres client (psql, dbeaver, etc).
following 4 months of development on hydra v0.3.0-alpha, our team is proud to share our first major version release. hydra 1.0 is under active development, but ready for use and feedback. we’re aiming to release 1.0 into general availability (ga) soon.
for testing, try the hydra free tier to create a column-oriented postgres instance on the cloud. https://dashboard.hydra.so/signup
Where can I read about what the differences / trade offs are? I don’t see anything in the docs.