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Our new flagship distro: Fedora Asahi Remix (treehouse.systems)
1 point by Gigachad on Aug 2, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Well, son of a gun. If you go to their site from the link on Mastodon, https://asahilinux.org/2023/08/fedora-asahi-remix/ HN is "blocked" with extreme prejudice (if you don't turn javascript off)


I'll gladly edit or delete this reply if it's just amplifying some bullshit. In fact, I have never seen anything of this sort, and just being curious, I'm not curious any more about Fedora Asahi Remix.

I wonder how this even works. I can still go straight through to the site on firefox and chrome on macos. I suppose they are making use of some tracking technique that doesn't work on my machine.

> I'm not curious about asahi anymore

considering your message and tone, I think they're glad. they are blocking HN users for a reason lol

From previous discussions, it seems that Arch ARM was not providing a reliable base for Asahi, so Fedora will be the new primary base for Asahi Linux.

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