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Ask HN: Share one man boring internet businesses
76 points by mr_o47 on July 30, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 24 comments
Hello HN,

What are some one man boring internet businesses you have encountered or know about

Check out this guy https://twitter.com/staticmaker1

He recently started https://boringcashcow.com/

That site managed to piss me off within a few seconds of visiting by shoving a modal in my face that could only be closed by clicking some small gray text

Welcome to Twitter. Ah, the other site also does that!?

I'm pretty sure that https://bazqux.com/ is a one man project.

Looks hella cool and if you don’t mind me asking what’s the MRR and what’s the tech stack that powers it.

Boring site


    generates $14 million ARR.

    solo founder.
has answer: https://builtwith.com/bazqux.com

That's a completely bogus number. I wouldn't work a day job if I had $14m ARR :)

Damn 14 million ARR that’s pretty impressive


Yeah, pretty much. I've failed at a dozen projects already.

https://bazqux.com/faq says:

Is BazQux Reader re­ally writ­ten in Haskell and Ur/Web?

Yes. I love to use the best tools avail­able.

I built a service to check if websites, APIs and web apps are online, or not: https://onlineornot.com

I've seen you comment before on related threads; congrats

The question that always comes to mind is, how do you get distribution and reach the market?

There seem to be so many competitors.

personally onboarding folks seems to help a fair bit - they then tell their friends, and OnlineOrNot supports more use cases as a result


I write about German bureaucracy for immigrants. I started in 2017, and went full time in 2020.

When it gets boring I take time off and work on something else, or build software that supports the content.

This really brings home the disaster of brexit to me. A lot of what you talk about is so much easier if you are part of the EU.

You are a rockstar man ! Thank you soo soo much for the website! Berlin owes you lots of love

Haha thanks! You have no idea of how much I appreciate it

I feel like this is the future I want as well. So I guess I'll just start building something and see if it sticks.

I heard about https://tiiny.host from a podcast episode. A boring pdf hosting site that grew to offer more services. https://open.spotify.com/episode/2dZUDBsZW9EOo2G61ZaTpM?si=W...

I run one: https://notionbackups.com

Arose from the problem I and others had previously. Have been building it on the side, while doing consulting; finally went full-time last month.

I think http://projectionlab.com/ is a one man show, love this for my finances.

Even supports self hosting and data exfiltration, so if he ever gets bored I can use it where he left off


Hi. It's me. I'm the problem.

Thanks Taylor.

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