That sort of phrasing is almost to be expected, no? This might just be a cynical atheist's interpretation of Abrahamic religions, but Islam seems to be loosely doing the same thing to Christianity that Christianity did to Judaism, i.e. it purports to be the next theological evolution and therefore all practioniers of {current_religion} should rationally convert and download the latest religious firmware.
I was going to make a joke about how it's a shame they stopped inventing Abrahamic religions, but then I remembered the Mormons! I would like to suggest that Mormonism is the true natural conclusion of any intelligent theologian's journey. At least until someone creates a new Abrahamic religion to succeed it.
> I would like to suggest that Mormonism is the true natural conclusion of any intelligent theologian's journey. At least until someone creates a new Abrahamic religion to succeed it.
Both the Bahai and Rastafari are newer Abrahamic faiths than Mormonism; also, to the extent that Mormonism post-dates but does not build on Islam, it would not succeed it in a framework where building on the previous “conclusion” makes you the new one, so either the Rastafari by novelty or the Druze (or maybe Bahai, because I think they build, non-exclusively, on the Druze) by building on Islam have a better claim in the proposed framework than the Mormons to be the current “conclusion” if one assumes that Islam, by building on prior Abrahamic faiths, was at one point the “conclusion”.
I'm not sure I'd agree, depending on if the intelligent theologian needs to have decent literary taste - the Book of Mormon is an annoying slog.
But as for a new one, given the central premise of the Book of Mormon it is obvious that Jesus must also have appeared and preached to the aborigines in Australia shortly after his death to give them the chance of salvation as well. Perhaps a psychedelic novella about Jesus and the Dreamtime.
> This might just be a cynical atheist's interpretation of Abrahamic religions
There is only one abrahamic religion - judaism. Judaism confers eternal salvation and israel to the descendants of abraham. People forget that judaism is an ethnicity first and religion second. Hence why you can be an atheist jew. The convenant between god and abraham and his descendant is what makes a religion abrahamic.
'On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying, To your descendants I have given this land, From the river of Egypt as far as the great river, the river Euphrates...' Genesis 15.
Christianity is a non-abrahamic religion as the covenant is between christ and all of humanity. Hence why anyone can become a christian. Similarly with islam as anyone can become a muslim.
No. I'm correct. From your link: 'The Abrahamic religions are a group of religions centered around the worship of the God of Abraham. Abraham, a Hebrew patriarch,[1][2] is extensively mentioned throughout the Abrahamic religious scriptures of the Quran, and the Hebrew and Christian Bibles.'
As I said, only judaism worships the god of abraham. As I showed, the god of abraham said ONLY the descendants of abraham are his 'chosen people' and hence only the descendants of abraham are able to attain salvation.
Christians worship the god of christ, not the god of abraham because the god of christ allows non-descendants of abraham ( 99.999% of all christians around the world ) to be saved. The same logic applies to islam.
In other words, if christians worship the god of abraham, then it would mean christians believe they are going to hell while jews go to heaven. Does that sound like christianity to you? I grew up christian and that doesn't sound like the christianity I grew up with. Christians believe jews forsaked god and jews are destined for hell. That's why god sent christ to form a new convenant with all humanity. Hence the new testament vs the old testament.
The abrahamic religion nonsense is a political creation like judeo-christian. It's self-contradictory nonsense invented purely to advance a political agenda.
> It's self-contradictory nonsense invented purely to advance a political agenda.
No, it's not. It's meant to describe three major modern religions with common roots in the ancient near east. These religions have much in common both historically and theologically. The relationship is similar to that of Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism.
Yes it is. It's a modern invention created for political reasons.
> It's meant to describe three major modern religions with common roots in the ancient near east.
Then why not call it Adamic religions. All three religions begin with adam. That's a better description than abrahamic as abrahamic religion only describes judaism. As I clearly explained. Judaism fundamentally starts with abraham because god formed the first convenant with abraham establishing a jewish people. Abraham doesn't matter at all to christianity as christ negates the covenant between god and abraham.
> These religions have much in common both historically and theologically.
Are you kidding me? Christians and Jews have been attacking each other for thousands of years. Not only are they not common historically and theologically, they directly contradict each other. Judaism believes that jesus is a false prophet rotting in 'hell'. Christianity believes Jesus is God. Judaism believes worshipping christ is a form of idolatry ( one of the worst crimes ). Christians believes in the deification of christ. Judaism allows for usury to gentiles. Christianity is against all usury. Judaism believes in 'an eye for an eye'. Christianity believes in 'turn the other cheek'. Judaism believes god ordains their king ( no separation of church and state ). Christianity believes in 'render unto caesar what is caesar's and render onto god what is god's'.
'Historically, some Jewish writers and scholars have considered Jesus as the most damaging "false prophet"'
Judaism has historically believed Jesus as the worst thing to have ever happened in history. Christianity believes Jesus to be the best thing to have ever happened. What commonality? Just because christian bibles include the old testament with the new testament? Many christian bibles only contain the new testament.
If these religions had anything fundamentally in common, we'd only have one religion. Judaism and christianity theologically contradict each other.
While I provide detailed answers describing biblical and historical facts, all my detractors do is reply with petty nonsense like 'theologicians disagree'. Who cares?
> The relationship is similar to that of Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism.
No it is not. Those religions are actually related to each other but nobody calls them 'buddhaic religions' as it would not be an apt description of those three religions. As I said, there is only one abrahamic religion - judaism.
I'm not going to argue with you. You can choose to believe that you're correct but your definition does not align with the established definition of the term. I'm not even religious so I don't have a horse in this race.
I was going to make a joke about how it's a shame they stopped inventing Abrahamic religions, but then I remembered the Mormons! I would like to suggest that Mormonism is the true natural conclusion of any intelligent theologian's journey. At least until someone creates a new Abrahamic religion to succeed it.