I think the world will just go faster. Faster innovation, faster turnaround. Doing more faster. Which will be great because this world is now running from one urgent crisis into another. We need to be able to react quicker.
I've been working on some business cases for AI and one thing I'm sure of: it's going to cost a lot and it's not going to save us much money directly. It's more of a total game changer.
It's for sure going to change the company. Make us more effective, doing much more with the same resources. It's up to the leadership to translate this to more turnover or get left behind. Because some of our competitors sure will make the most of it.
Of course it's an easy step to use that higher productivity to simply cut personnel. But I think that's not really making the most of this. It's a short sighed bet. It lacks vision and basically aims at keeping the the same, giving up innovating with the rest of the world for some cost savings. The company will do well for a few years financially but then get overtaken quickly by the ones that do have the vision to go all in.
I've been working on some business cases for AI and one thing I'm sure of: it's going to cost a lot and it's not going to save us much money directly. It's more of a total game changer.
It's for sure going to change the company. Make us more effective, doing much more with the same resources. It's up to the leadership to translate this to more turnover or get left behind. Because some of our competitors sure will make the most of it.
Of course it's an easy step to use that higher productivity to simply cut personnel. But I think that's not really making the most of this. It's a short sighed bet. It lacks vision and basically aims at keeping the the same, giving up innovating with the rest of the world for some cost savings. The company will do well for a few years financially but then get overtaken quickly by the ones that do have the vision to go all in.