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> programming languages are at least as much about comprehension and readability to humans as they are about theoretical purity from a mathematical perspective

I would say that both are the two faces of the same sheet of paper. Let's take the law of motion (f = m a, where f and a are vectors), is there anything more "pure" (or, in other words, "simple") from mathematical perspective? And is there any possible way to make this more readable and comprehensible by (educated) minds? I think I have read that before vector where properly "invented" a simple three-terms equation like this one was a complex mix of vague and partial statements. So, at least in this case, it means readability and mathematical purity came together, with the development of knowledge and abstract tools.

I heard some debate it or was hot about this question: is there a possibility that a future Newton will model any of today's complex problems in a way that make them easy to write, understand, and more "pure" (ie. simple, atomic)?

My bet is there will be (don't ask for proofs other than "it happened like that before").

So, more on topic: I think there are ways to make programs pure and readable, I think these ways are not divergent: purity is simplicity, and simplicity is readability.

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