Started in 2004 on Dotclear, migrated to Wordpress around 2008/2009 then, last year, exported everything to make a static website/gemini capsule of it (with a custom python script)
This blog has changed my life. It landed me jobs, it made me become a writer without having to ask (all the book I’ve published so fare were on request of publishers because of my blog). I’m really happy to have all this history and I hope to keep it until my very last post. It is now part of my identity.
I read your capsule. I think you hit it out of the park when discussing how Google impacted XMPP and the possible implications for the fediverse. Nicely done.
Thanks, it really count for me to know that people care about what I write.
Indeed, I’ve merged my blog and my capsule now. Those are the same content (because I realized that, sometimes, stuff I wrote on Gemini ended being shared on the web through gemini proxies)
Started in 2004 on Dotclear, migrated to Wordpress around 2008/2009 then, last year, exported everything to make a static website/gemini capsule of it (with a custom python script)
This blog has changed my life. It landed me jobs, it made me become a writer without having to ask (all the book I’ve published so fare were on request of publishers because of my blog). I’m really happy to have all this history and I hope to keep it until my very last post. It is now part of my identity.