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Hi there! I adore your blog. Quick question - you have an MBA from Stanford, and you're a software engineer rather than a 'manager'. Are there others like you? I was thinking of an MBA as an option, but was afraid my focus after that might not be technical enough.

Thank you! I'm waiting to write this post (I follow Patrick Collison's advice methodology -- wait 10 years before you can accurately reflect [0]).

But here's Marc Andreessen thoughts:

> "Seek to be a double/triple/quadruple threat."

He talks about the MBA + Undergrad Engineering combo in this blog post. https://fictivekin.github.io/pmarchive-jekyll/guide_to_caree...

[0] https://patrickcollison.com/advice

> I follow Patrick Collison's advice methodology -- wait 10 years before you can accurately reflect

I wish more people did so. The signal to noise ratio of the content on the internet would improve a whole lot.

"Quite a few people in business have paired a liberal arts undergrad degree with an MBA. They seem to do just fine. But I think that’s a missed opportunity—much better would be an MBA on top of an engineering or math undergraduate degree. People with that combination are invaluable, and there aren’t nearly enough of them running around."

I needed to read that today, (Purdue computer eng + Harvard MBA here)

Thanks you for the link! Is it cool if I email you with further questions?

Yep -- matt (at) matt-rickard.com

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