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Show HN: Bigcapital - An open-source alternative to QuickBooks (bigcapital.ly)
87 points by abouolia on July 2, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

I'll have a look. The last time I touched anything open source in this space it was Adempeire. That was not a good experience.

Is there anything open source like this, but for personal finance?


I see docker-compose.prod.yml -- but I was under the impression that nobody used docker-compose in production, and I vaguely remember that it was even discouraged by Docker. Is that what docker-compose is used for now? Am I misremembering? (I've never used docker-compose in any serious manner.)

Plenty of people use docker compose in production. If what you are standing up works fine on a single machine it works really great, if you need something that runs in a more distributed manner, there are tools for converting a docker compose file to a set of kubernetes manifests. Docker compose also has some really nice features around using .env files so it’s easy to test/develop locally and deploy as a 12 factor app.

Cool stuff! starred on GH

This is very cool, my TL;DR from a quick read of their GitHub code:

  - Frontend and backend are both in Typescript / NodeJS
  - Backend uses Knex for DB ORM (good choice, it's one of the most popular NodeJS ORMs)
  - Supports VSCode, Husky and Docker out of the box
  - Seems to have plenty of tests everywhere, always a good sign.
  - AGPL license so anyone using this would have to contribute back to the community

Wow. This is really neat.

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