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You might not own the data of your air quality monitor (airgradient.com)
65 points by ahaucnx on July 1, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 51 comments

Under Norwegian law, data is not protected, hence it cannot be owned. If you have access to some data, by all means, it's "yours" (under Norwegian jurisdiction).

How does that work with copyright? Like a film etc

That’s not “data”. Relevant is how phone books or recipes can’t be copyrighted, because they’re just data.

Phone book I get but recipes? Technically speaking, how is a recipe different then technical instructions on how to build a specific microchip? The latter not being considered as just 'data'.

Not that I think recipes should be copyrighted, the question is more for how legally they are different.

If you write a manual for making a TSMC microchip that presentstion is copyrighted.

It may also contain patented and trademarked things.

But the process itself of

- get sand

- mold

- make wafer

Is not copyrighted.

This is called idea - expression.

You can’t copyright the idea but you can copyright the expression. (It’s why recipes have stories about grandma. If someone scrapes that story that’s copyright infringement)

Sure, but a recipe is much more specific than that - it outlines the exact quantities, mixing levels, baking, etc. Can you patent a recipe?

You an definitely patent a recipe for most manufacturable items. You can't copyright it.

As an extension, you can copyright an operation manual, but not the "general" expression of the pure operational steps themselves. Someone else could rewrite the operational manual "from scratch".

Then how do software patents work? Aren't they mostly general expressions of steps used by computers? I can see that actual code would be copyrightable but how is it patentable?

You are confusing a few concepts:

- Copyright: "I" created $thing. I have the right to distribute copies of that exact thing. I may grant others the right to distribute $thing I've made.

- Patent: I have written down $process. No one else before me wrote down this process (that the patent office has record of.) This process makes a thing. No one else has the right to use that process unless I agree to it for about 20 years in the US.

And for good measure:

- Trademark: I sell $thing under $brand. No one else has the right to sell similar $things with a $brand that sounds like mine.

Does this help to clarify?

What about the precise configuration of 1s and 0s that just happen to induce playback of human-interpretable audio and video when interpreted by specific software? What about the digital representation of a film doesn't count as "data"?

Do you have a link to lovdata.no about this by any chance? I didn’t manage to find the law.

Well, that's exactly it. You won't find it anywhere in Lovdata, because data isn't covered by Norwegian law. You can essentially find data protection two places, under Opphavsrett (Åndsverksloven), the general copyright law, which only cover creative work, and database systems.

Interestingly, it's not clear that seismic imaging of a mountain (say) is copyrightable, but if you point your camera to that same mountain, it's suddenly creative, and therefore protected.

So it is like owning bitcoins. If you have the data (keys) to be able to spend the bitcoins you “own” them.

I wonder how I ever got by with my thermometer and CO2 meter not connected to the intertoobs.

I think there are quite large benefits in sharing outdoor pollution data compared to temperature and humidity due to its much larger health impact.

There is a thing called Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) where ships voluntarily transmit weather and sea condition data for meteorological studies. Someone realized there are all these floating sensor suites moving around an managed to organize all the various ship owners to participate because it helps weather predictions for all. It's nice when people can work together.


True - I would like to choose which org I share it with though.

I'd love to be able to purchase something like this and a weather station that will submit data to a free public service so people can receive better and more accurate / timely weather data. I can't tell if that is possible out of the box via AirGradient from this website (or if such a service even exists, as they only mention "24 months AirGradient data platform / map" which implies proprietary)? Do people know of a similar solution for a weather station?

We are working on an integration with openAQ [1] to share air quality with them (opt-in for people that use our data platform). OpenAQ is an NGO with the mission to collect air quality data from all kinds of sources from around the world and make it available to the public with its free API. However this would only cover the air quality part -not weather data.

[1] https://openaq.org/

The US NWS has a citizen reporting system for weather: https://www.weather.gov/iln/cwop. I don’t know what the integration looks like.

This topic is something that irked me for quite some time and I am looking forward to the discussion here.

It smells like an abusive clause. I would be tempted to ignore it and never tell anyone if I had to collect data from those sensors. They would be named sensors from company "A" in the reports and papers.

But to do things in a pleasing way for legal people, how could we proceed ?

A more surprising title would be "You might own the data of your air quality monitor."

This is funny and sad at the same time.

A little off-topic but does anyone know of pressure sensors suitable for home-baked blood pressure monitor?

I'm planning to build a little Arduino- or raspi-based device to own the data. All I managed to find were (non-blood) pressure sensors and I'm unsure whether these could be used for blood pressure monitoring and how I'd place them against the hand to get readings of reasonable quality.

If this approach is a no-go, a ready device with some physical interface (and no "cloud"-related garbage) allowing readings would do.

> a ready device with some physical interface (and no "cloud"-related garbage) allowing readings would do.


Yep! I have the Evolv, and I use the third-party MedM BP apps[1][2] to sync the readings from the device via bluetooth to my phone (and HealthKit). No first-party app needed.

[1] (iOS) https://apps.apple.com/au/app/medm-blood-pressure/id10409095...

[2] (Android) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.medm.medmb...

Is it possible to connect to these devices from BT-enabled device like raspi with a dongle? I'd like to avoid sharing any health-related data with VC-funded businesses (Apple, Google, not only app developers)

Thanks! The smartwatch-like thingie looks nice, albeit pricey as hell. Think I'll go with one of the bigger devices for now.

The usual blood pressure measure instruments[1] work AFAIK just like the "old" manual way, what is measured is the (air) pressure in the band, though they use an oscillometric (tiny variations in the pressure) approach to detect the heart beats as opposed to the stethoscope (auscultatory).

The idea (the traditional way) is:


1) you place the stethoscope between the arm and the inflatable band

2) you pump air in the band

3) at a certain pressure you will start hearing the heart beats

4) you continue pumping until you cannot hear them anymore + a little bit more

5) you start slowly release pressure until you can hear the heart beats (at this point what you read on the manometer is the max pressure or systolic)

6) you continue slowly releasing pressure until you cannot hear the heart beats anymore (at this point what you read on the manometer is the min pressure or diastolic)

The electronic device replace the hand pump with an electric pump, the manometer with a pressure sensor and the stethoscope with the capability to detect oscillations in the pressure from the same sensor.




I believe that the issue in a home made electronic device is not so much the sensor but rather the conversion from raw data of the sensor (oscillometric waveform) into heartbeats and the speed with which the band is inflated and deflated (size and speed of pump, accuracy of the release valve).

[1] both the ones that take pressure on the arm and those that take it at the wrist

This is why I didn't plug in the BlueAir my gf kindly bought us.

People have figured out how to run them off raspberry pis since I believe though, so I should sort it out to run cloudless.

The article is missing some details. It doesn’t say how you agree to the contract. I assume there’s some software you have to install to get data out of the device, and this term is in the EULA?

Is the software necessary to use the device - you could just not install it, or someone could write a third party driver that doesn’t make you agree to these terms.

How do they protect from false data injection? Are the sensors cryptographically signing their data?

BTW are there any sensors that encrypt and sign data before sending out for real security? I am not able to construct such a device, so I hope anybody did already? preferably open hardware?

The people who buy smart devices likely don't have this concern.

Sorry for tearing into you here, but I'm so tired of this cynical trope that gets repeated ad nauseum on HN in defence of any dark pattern at all.

It's a lazy, low effort, stereotyping take that people in tech tell themselves to feel less guilty, and that's all it is.

>It's a lazy, low effort, stereotyping take

So is the take that average people think that facts about the current air quality should be owned by people.

If you ask an average person what's the current temperature is or if it's raining outside they will likely tell you if they know. People don't feel a need to try and monopolize the knowledge of things like that.

I'm quite wary of talking about "average people" in general, at least without specifying what exactly is average about them, and having concrete data on where that average lies.

Also, when asking people, framing is a huge confounder.

If you ask a bunch of people of average or below average tech literacy if they care whether they own the data from their fitness trackers, the majority would probably say no.

But if instead you asked them whether they like the fact that they have to pay a monthly subscription fee to Google/Oura/whatever, the distribution would likely change quite a lot.

We of course know these questions are secretly the same question.

In fact if there's somewhere I can contribute my air quality data I would like to. I have self-hosted sensors which feed data to my own monitoring software but now that you say it like that I want to put it to use.

It's also true as well. If it's low friction and easy to use your average person doesn't care and isn't aware of T&C's. And even when made aware don't care either.

Average how?

Exactly how it means. Your average consumer of smart or internet connected devices.

Again, average in what metric? Almost no one is just average in general. That's not even well defined.

You defined a superset(consumer of smart devices), but you're still missing a metric.

Is it average IQ? Tech literacy? Legal expertise? Paranoia?

Without specifying these things, you are essentially saying nothing all. Does not compile.

The average consumer of smart devices is exactly that, that is the metric. Tacking on further metrics buy which to divid a group is a never ending game. How much specificity do you actually want? Shall we take in a person's DNA? How many electrons are in their body? What timescale shall we set.

Without generalisation, or being able to group things together you'll find it hard to make any statements about anything.

I've never seen anyone so determined not to properly define their own statements. Oh well, have fun.

Of all the people who buy smart home devices, ranked by how much they care about data, the median is "zero".

That's what that means, and what "the average HN reader" understands without having to be pedantic about it.

You can call it pedantic if you want, I just don't like responding to statements that aren't even meaningfully defined.

The phrase "the average buyer of X" has a very well-defined meaning, it means, roughly, "most people who buy X".

Similarly I've never seen anyone so determined to add requirements/move the goal posts.

why do i need to own it?

all i need to do is look at it occasionally

You may not, there are communities though that might. People who live in the “blast radius” of a polluting entity like a refinery might want to aggregate data over time to see if there’s a slow leak or whether the entity is emitting excessively at night which I recently learned is quite common. Knowing the instantaneous value at one point is not as valuable as owning the aggregate data over a region over time. So owning the data allows contributing to such aggregates which allow speaking truth to power about the reality of particulates in the air. Measuring air pollution is increasingly becoming a political act.


Suppose Corp.X distributes free cloud connected air quality monitors across neighbourhood Z in an act of seeming largesse.

Fifteen years later the surviving members of the District Z Carcinoma Club are still fighting appeals to gain access to the pooled historic data which each of them have contributed to.

At the very least log your own data | buy your own monitors | be sure you have right of access regardless of "ownership" | etc.

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