It's not weird. It's just a different way of triggering javascript without using much javascript. Just use jQuery or pure javascript and stop having to learn new, not necessarily better, ways to do the same thing. Which is the main problem with Rails. They hide so much from the developer. Even hide the table id in the schema. It's as if a developer can't handle a extra line or something.
> Even hide the table id in the schema. It's as if a developer can't handle a extra line or something.
That's because they can't handle it. I've seen a number of systems with 200-300+ tables that grew over 10+ years with 20+ developers working on it. This wasn't a Rails app btw, it's using a framework with much less opinions in a different language where an ORM wasn't being used.
You end up with `id` in some tables or `tablename_id` such as `post_id` as the primary key. It makes interacting with the app feel like a surprise depending on what section of the code base you're working on.