I'm in the process of interviewing for senior and staff front end positions. I've done several multi-hour take home projects now and a couple were rejected with generic rejection messages. It's pretty insulting to be frank. Spending 2-4 hours on likely valueless work is a substantial amount of time relative to the week day. If I've spent the time making the project and they've spent the time recruiting me and reviewing the project, the recruiter and reviewer could spend 5 minutes sending constructive feedback.
Anyone else share in this frustrating experience? Have you successfully asked for feedback before?
As far as I remember, I was told it would take a few hours, maybe 4, but the assignment looked rather fun, so I thought, whatever, let’s do it.
Maybe I didn't understand the assignment fully or missed some cues; I don't know. But it took me roughly 10 hours spread across two days. After 5-6 hours, you don't feel like throwing the work away; you just want to finish. It was pretty frustrating.
After returning the assignment, I waited the two weeks they asked for and heard nothing. I sent one email, waited a week, got no reply, sent another, waited some more, and still received no reply. I ended up sending a handful of emails to various addresses I could find. I even sent a DM on Twitter to one of the founders to let them know. No reply anywhere.
Overall, it was a pretty bad experience.