Inspired by the Cicada 3301 phenomenon and others, I created an internet scavenger hunt to test your web development knowledge and wit. It has 20 steps, getting more challenging the further you get. Time estimate: 1 hour(?)
Fun fact: I created a spreadsheet with ideas for this back in July 2014. I think as far as side projects go this one didn't take me too long.
If it wasn't for this thread I probably wouldn't have gotten past step 3. However, I have no clue how to move past step 4. I get the HINT we need to make a request, but I can't figure it out based on the instruction on the page. The page I tried is a 404. I'm not sure what <code> blocks are trying to convey, it's not clear to me. It would be fun to try to get to step 20, but if the clues get more vague at each step, there's no way I'll make it to the end.