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Good post.

This is definitely on point and relevant to HN visitors. This, for at least two reasons:

1. You never innovate in a vacuum: Whether it's genetically modified crops, cancer treatment, AI, encryption or energy solutions, all innovation is subsumed under the greater agenda of existing power and political structures. If you innovate for people to use your innovation, you are forced to deal with the attendant moral implications. This story clearly demonstrates this scenario. Whether it's Israel as the morally shadowy character is not relevant.

2. Innovation in the the energy space will throw you into the political field so violently you will regret not sticking to developing your new "To-Do List" software like every other coward out there :) :

I feel strongly about the second point: energy related innovations and their implementations to better the lives of people should be protected much like water & food resources are (or ought to be).

Up-vote for sure.

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