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I'm not sure what kind of evidence that would be. Version selection is NP-complete, so there is no known algorithm that efficiently solves all problem instances.

You can spend time looking really hard at the problem instances you have and identifying common patterns, and write a complex algorithm that works well as long as the dependencies you are trying to solve at least sort-of follow these patterns. This usually works well until it fails completely, at which point you can look really hard for new patterns in new use cases, and make your complex algorithm handle those as well.

But there's also the option of turning your problem into a SAT (or answer set programming, or constraint programming, or integer programming, etc.) formulation, using an existing SAT solver, and not have to write any complex algorithm at all.

Evidence that it is faster than non sat formulations? So, npm? Whatever go does? Poetry/pip? Java/maven? Or have all of those migrated to sat?

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