I saw the repeating 'A' at the end of the base64 text and thought "it's not even 512 bytes; it's smaller!"
That said, the title is just a little clickbaity --- it's a C-subset compiler, and more accurately a JIT interpreter. There also appears to be no attempt at operator precedence. Nonetheless, it's still an impressive technical achievement and shows the value of questioning common assumptions.
Finally, I feel tempted to offer a small size optimisation:
sub ax,2
is 3 bytes whereas
dec ax
dec ax
is 2 bytes.
You may be able to use single-byte xchg's with ax instead of movs, and the other thing which helps code density a lot in 16-bit code is to take advantage of the addressing modes and LEA to do 3-operand add immediates where possible.
Good tip! Yeah, there’s ~20 bytes unused at the end. I kept finding ways to squeeze out a few more and had to tell myself to stop and just publish it already. You could take this further if you really wanted. But it’s already sufficiently absurd.
The book that had the Cain/Hendrix "Small C" compiler, runtime library, assembler and tools was a fantastic resource that taught me C and compiler construction at the same time.
In general, reading (lots of) source code is a good way to learn how to do things in a new language, i.e. to move from the lexical and syntactical level to the level of idioms for problem-solving. On reflection, I find it strange that in programming teaching, larger pieces of existing well-written source code are never discussed/explained/critiqued.
Small C was the inspiration for SubC, a project of mine. It is pretty much a cleaned-up and slightly extended rewrite of Small C that compiles with few warnings on modern compilers. Also comes with a book.
An interpreter with a JIT compiler is able to do more optimizations because it has the runtime context to make decisions, while a AOT (ahead of time) compiler will not know anything about what happens at runtime.
This is why some JIT'd languages (like Javascript) can be sometimes faster than C.
Can you give some simple example for the folks in the back of how JIT'd languages can be faster than C? I think most people are under the impression that statically compiled languages are "always faster."
> Can you give some simple example for the folks in the back of how JIT'd languages can be faster than C?
If the JIT has instrumentation that analyzes execution traces, then it can notice that a call through a function pointer always goes to the same function. It can then recompile that code to use a static function call instead, which is considerably faster.
Basically, it can perform a similar set of optimizations to a static compiler + profiling information in basic cases. In more advanced scenarios, it specializes the program based on the runtime input, which profiling can't do for all possible inputs, eg. say the above function pointer call only happens for input B but not for input C.
In theory, some execution sequences are not knowable except at runtime which could be optimized after the code has already been running for a while.
In practice, static AOT compilation is essentially always faster for a couple reasons. The various types of overhead associated with supporting dynamic re-compilation usually aren't offset by the gains. Re-compiling code at runtime is expensive, so it is virtually always done at a lower optimization level than AOT compilation to minimize side-effects. CPU silicon is also quite good at efficiently detecting and optimizing execution of many of these cases in static AOT code. You can also do static optimization based on profiling runtime execution, which is almost (but not quite) the same thing with more steps.
Honestly it always depends on what "faster" means for you. For one crowd faster means "fast number crunching" (e.g. anything AI these days). There statically compiled code reigns supreme because it is mostly about how fast your very specialized code (e.g. matrix multiplications) runs and it does not hurt if you just ship a specialized, statically compiled version for all possible targets. (iirc GCC does something like that when building generic code that will utilize different code sets (SSE,AVX,etc) when they are available at runtime.
For another crowd "fast" means that the code they haphazardly thrown together in an interpreted language runs fast enough that nobody is negatively affected (which is a completely valid usecase, not judging here).
And to answer your question for examples:
An interpreter with JIT compiler might for example notice that you have a for loop that always gets run with the same number of arguments, unroll the loop and at the same time vectorize the instructions for an immediate 4x gain in execution speed.
Otoh Javas Hotspot JIT compiler tracked how often code was called and once a "hotspot" was identified compiled that part of the program.
Last example: if you are using an interpreted language (say Python) every roundtrip through "python-land" costs you ... A simple for loop that just runs a simple instruction (say: acc = 0; for x in xs: acc += x) will be orders of magnitudes slower that calling a dedicated function (numly.sum(xs)), JITing that code (e.g. with numba) will remove the roundtrip through python and achieve similar speeds.
This is all in theory. Everyone says this like it's already here but it's really not (in the sense that these fast jits are still mostly worse than well-written C).
But what it is is mostly choosing optimizations based on runtime characteristics. It's a dynamic analogue to profile-guided optimization. Like you might have an optimization that trades code size for CPU cycles, which you could choose not to do at runtime if you're low on memory bandwidth instead of CPU time. Stuff like that.
This reminded me the idea of compilers bootstrapping (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35714194). That is, now you can code in SectorC some slightly more advanced version of C capable of compiling TCC (https://bellard.org/tcc/), and then with TCC you can go forward to GCC and so on.
The bootstrap seed, https://github.com/oriansj/bootstrap-seeds/blob/master/POSIX..., is a tiny interpreter that takes a much larger program written in a special-purpose, bytecode-based language. This proceeds in turn once or twice more--special purpose program generating another interpreter for another special-purpose language--until you end up with a minimal Scheme interpreter, which then can be used to execute a C compiler program.
All of this is incredible work, but a minimal C-subset compiler in under 512 bytes of x86 assembly seems like a unique achievement as it includes non-trivial parsing and linking phases not required for that hex0 interpreter.
> Even more recently (2018), the GNU C Library glibc-2.28 adds Python as a build requirement
I’m surprised they went with Python and not GNU software (e.g. Guile).
Edit: clicking through the link it sounds like this might be intended to replace other accumulated dependencies (Perl?) and stop supporting old versions of Python.
Is Nix incorporating this work as well? I fully support and want Guix to survive, but it seems well behind in mind share, and I would love if Nix could become similarly repeatable and reproducible.
Perhaps my favorite thing in all of computing is the authors of Lisp bootstrapping by writing an (academic) interpreter for Lisp in Lisp, and then realizing they could just compile that by hand.
I once read a lisp paper that kept defining lisp primitives in terms of simpler lisp primitives until they had only 4-10 primitives. Then the paper started defining those in terms of assembly language (but with parens). In the final step, they just removed the parens. It was so elegant. I can't find the paper though :( Any ideas?
The paper is the original paper on LISP by McCarthy "Recursive Functions of Symbolic Expressions and Their Computation by Machine, Part I". It has the original definition of LISP in LISP.
The TCC step seems unnecessary. If you've got a SectorC C compiler sufficient to compile TCC, it can probably compile the bootstrap compiler used in GCC's 3 stage build process. The bigger issue is probably getting the ancillary tools up and running (a shell, make, coreutils, ...)
The method described in the page you reference, does not exclude the possibility that the compiler you start with, contains malicious code, and recognizes that it is compiling the GCC code base. It is not true bootstrapping as described in [0]. If you read through [1] you will see that even getting a fairly recent version of TCC to compile is not that simple.
At that level of a paranoia, there's no guarantee that the CPU doesn't contain a malicious method for detecting and modifying compiler builds, so you better build your own CPU out of TTL chips ;)
Yes! There's a public git repo here:
"Public" in the sense that anyone can just push to the "mob" branch. You don't even need an account.
Such anarchy has obvious security implications but has worked remarkably well in practice. There's a mailing list too.
Now they just need to port something like oneKpaq to 16 bit or maybe something from the extremely tiny decompressor thread [1], just to test compression level to get an idea kpaq on its quickest setting(taking minutes instead of what could be days on its highest) reduced SectorC to 82.81% of its size, of course adding the 128 bit stub knocked it to 677 bytes. It would be interesting to try it on the slowest takes day to bruteforce setting, but I'm not going to attempt that.
Some of the compressors in that forum thread since they are 32 bytes and such, might find it easier to get net gains.
LZ decompressors are tiny, as your second link discusses, but it is unlikely that they'll find much redundancy that could easily be removed from the uncompressed program itself, thus removing the need to use them.
I once tried making a 1kb binary to see what I could fit in, once you've got to the point of considering compression there isn't much ordered data left to compress. I worked it out to be a ~10 byte saving.
This is fascinating, I really did not think it was possible to implement even a tiny subset of C in just 512 bytes of x86 code. Using atoi() as a generic hash function is a brilliantly awful hack!
Hashes are perhaps the holy-grail of computer-science. With a good hash, we can just side-step all the hard problems by trading them for an even harder problem (hash collisions), and then we just ignore that harder problem. Brilliant. (sticks fingers in ears)
I wrote a similar x86-16 assembler in < 512 B of x86-16 assembly, and this seems much more difficult <https://github.com/kvakil/0asm/>. I did find a lot of similar tricks were helpful: using gadgets and hashes. Once trick I don't see in sectorc which shaved quite a bit off of 0asm was self-modifying code, which 0asm uses to "change" to the second-pass of the assembler. (I wrote some other techniques here: <https://kvakil.me/posts/asmkoan.html>.)
I considered self-modifying code, but somehow I kept finding more ways to squeeze bytes out. I’m half convinced that you could condense it another 50 ish bytes and add operator precedence or even local vars. But.. frankly.. I was ready to switch my attention to a new project.
The C Star (C*) language from the selfie project also does not support structs, yet in 12KLOC of code they implemented a C Star compiler that can compile selfie (and outputs ELF files), an emulator that runs RISC-U (RISC-V subset), and a hypervisor.
Not using this, but tangentially related is (full disclosure, i am a maintainer of this project) live-bootstrap, which uses about a KB of binary to do a full "Linux from scratch" style thing - read https://github.com/fosslinux/live-bootstrap/blob/master/part... for all 143 steps you have to go through to get there.
I can't help but wonder if this is written in x86-16 bit mode to implicitly use Real Mode BIOS functions and platform interfaces as well.
There's something to be said for taking advantage of that existing code; but if that's a dependency it should be part of the environment manifest. Everything has (most things have) a context where it might be useful and that should be included in the explanation so a tool isn't misused and so incorrect expectations aren't set.
That's true, but it's still a sort of library dependency. Even for very tiny computers with a lot of hardware assistance, the basic ROM for communicating with the world in a useful way is bigger.
LFS already has several "stepping stones" where it walks through a whole set of C compilers from very old ones compiling slightly newer / more capable ones and so on.
Perhaps with a few more "layers of compilers" on top you can get a very early GCC going.
In my experience, probably at least a 200-400 lines of C (another 512 bytes minimum? I don't know the conversion).
The problem is not just declaring structs but accessing them, referencing them, accessing/referencing fields and subfields, etc. That has to all be in the syntax. For such a minimal project you can ignore initialization.
I did all this while adding maybe 500 lines of C to GitHub.com/vitiral/fngi. Never tried for this level of minimalism though.
Once upon a time, when += was spelled =+, struct members in C were global names whose "values" were the offsets from the beginning of the struct[1]; a.b is simply a[ptrtab[b]] and a->b is a[0][ptrtab[b]].
[1]: This is why all of the names of struct members in unix are "needlessly" prefixed; i.e. struct stat.st_mode is not struct stat.mode because that could conflict with struct foo.mode until the early 1980s.
I started reading the source... and digging for the part that allocates space for variables.... only to realize variable declarations are ignored and unnecessary... wow... what a breathlessly reckless hack! I love it!
It's like using an M18A1 Claymore mine and hoping it actually is aimed (and stays aimed) in the right direction.
> I will call it the Barely C Programming Language
Or BCPL, for short.
> The C programming language was devised in the early 1970s as a system implementation language for the nascent Unix operating system. Derived from the typeless language BCPL, it evolved a type structure; created on a tiny machine as a tool to improve a meager programming environment, it has become one of the dominant languages of today. This paper studies its evolution. [1]
something like this could be interesting for deep-space applications where you only have a bare metal environment with hardened processor and limited memory & of course ping time of days (to earth).
or alternatively for embedding a C compiler inside a LLM to use the LLM as a form of virtual machine.
You mean like for retrofitting an existing satellite? It seems like we're beyond the era of extremely constrained embedded environments, even for space hardware. Several hundred Mhz PowerPC based avionics computers with hundreds of MB of RAM seemed pretty common 15 years ago.
What would a C interpreter do that wouldn't be done better by simply uploading a new compiled binary, though? The source code is most likely less space efficient than machine code.
do you think there are any lessons that can be applied to a "normal" interpreter/compiler written in standard C? i'm always interested in learning how to reduce the size of my interpreter binaries
Hard to say. I’m fairly sure that all of modern software could easily be 2-3 orders of magnitude smaller. But, the world has decided (and I think rightfully so) that it doesn’t matter. We have massive memories and storage systems. Unless you have a very constrained system (power, etc) then I think the big bloated, lots of features approach is the winner (sadly).
You can't have the goal for the code to generate revenue, at equal priority for it to be easy for lots of inexperienced programmers to work on (i.e. maximise costs), because the only time you're going to choose "readability" and "unit tests" (and other things with direct costs) is because of doubts you have in your ability to do the former without this hedging of your bets a little. If you disagree, you do not know what I said.
And so they ask: What is the next great software unicorn? Who knows, but being able to rapidly put stuff in front of consumers and ask is this it? has proven to be an effective way at finding out. And if you go into a product not knowing how (exactly) to generate revenue, you can't very well design a system to do it.
Do you see that? Software is small when it does what it is supposed to by design; Software is big when it does so through emergence. Programmers can design software; non-programmers cannot. And there are a lot more non-programmers. And in aggregate, they can outcompete programmers "simply" by hiring. This is why they "win" in your mind.
But this is also true: programmers who know what exactly makes money can make as much money as they want. And so, if someone has a piece of tiny software that makes them a ton of money, they're not going to publish it; nobody would ever know. 2-3 orders of magnitude could be taking a software product built by 100 people and doing it with 1-2. The software must be smaller, and that software I think "wins" because that's two people sharing that revenue instead of 100+management.
To that end, I think learning how to make tiny C compilers is good practice for seeing 2-3 orders of magnitude improvement in software design elsewhere, and you've got to get good at that if you want the kind of "wins" I am talking about.
> sure that all of modern software could easily be 2-3 orders of magnitude smaller
niklaus wirth thought similarly... in 1995![0]
i enjoy implementing array langs (k primarily) so small binaries come with the territory. really appreciated your write-up. i may try something similar for an array lang.
you might also appreciate (or detest) 'b'[1][2] - a small implementation of a "fast c compiler (called b: isomorphic to c)". it has some similarities to SectorC.
That said, the title is just a little clickbaity --- it's a C-subset compiler, and more accurately a JIT interpreter. There also appears to be no attempt at operator precedence. Nonetheless, it's still an impressive technical achievement and shows the value of questioning common assumptions.
Finally, I feel tempted to offer a small size optimisation:
is 3 bytes whereas is 2 bytes.You may be able to use single-byte xchg's with ax instead of movs, and the other thing which helps code density a lot in 16-bit code is to take advantage of the addressing modes and LEA to do 3-operand add immediates where possible.