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Bing thinks Hitler was in Radiohead (twitter.com/jdx)
80 points by ericzawo on May 17, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 41 comments

Both Google's and Bing's "let's be a middleman of information by inference" was never good but it's been getting really bad lately. I regularly get wrong information, so those page elements are worse than useless. They're just in my way. It's incredible... Google itself is now the W3Schools of search results.

Worse than that, Google on mobile is now trying to be even more "smart" by inferring related contexts. At the top there's usually "Images" "News" "Shopping" "Videos" "Maps" etc. But now this bar is unreliable. I just looked up "Muffin Recipes" and that top bar is: "Videos" "Images" "Chocolate" "Chocolate Chip" "Easy" "Best" "Moist" etc. And not always in that order. Sometimes I have to scroll to find "Images".

Edit: Allow me to be crystal clear: If `Chocolate` was always an option, sibling to News, Images, Videos, Maps, I would be much happier.

A monkey paw closes.

'Chocolate' is always an option, sibling to News, Images, Videos, Maps... and just like News, Images, Videos, Maps... it shows you webpages that are Chocolate. No not webpages featuring Chocolate, the pages content has nothing to do with chocolate. The informational content of the pages is all embedded in chocolate. And you can't have any. Sorry, you must have Android 37+ Neutella Kinder version or higher to view this content. Your hardware doesn't support this feature yet.

Screw a palm tree, life is always better with chocolate

It might give wrong smart cards first but you can scroll to actual results, so not as bad as certain LLM chatbots...

Aha! So that’s where it comes from… So, if wikidata is where bing gets it’s facts about the world, that opens the door to lots of pranks. And edit wars :)

This combined with all this new AI stuff is going to lead to some really fun exploits; think automated versions of the guy who edited a band's wikipedia page to get let backstage.

It's possibly because his hairdo made them feel ill? https://genius.com/Radiohead-karma-police-lyrics

Even though they seem to have similar hair partings?

This what you get when you mess with us.

tousled hair?

"Iiich bin ein Crrrrreep, iiich bin ein Weirdooooo!"

possible with the current deepf^Wparody technology

I've been seeing a lot of weird stuff in bing lately, like: https://imgur.com/a/oF7Y2nX

That's expected behavior from their new Many Worlds Quantum Computing circuitry. It's just pulling results from a parallel timeline.

Maybe it confused Radiohead with Sparks.

(When Sparks played on Top of the Pops in 1974, supposedly John Lennon called up Ringo to say “You won’t believe what’s on television. Marc Bolan is playing a song with Adolph Hitler!” … and indeed watching https://youtube.com/watch?v=-ztSKDbDRXc that sounds about right!)

Sparks are something. They're bothers.

I learned about them from the documentary https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8610436/

The word is mentioned in 1 song lyric: "Karma Police". That's all I got from where it could possibly make any connection.

"OK computer, who are the members of the band Radiohead?"

Who’s in bunker, who’s in bunker?

I've found that Bard and Bing are incessant people pleasers. You can tell it anything you want and it will say something like "Oh, sorry, you're right" and regurgitate whatever bullshit you've given it back to you. I don't see how anyone thinks these are useful for fact retrieval.

This is Peak GPTs . These tools are great, but not for this thing. An approximation engine will approximate Radiohead as well. Time to go back to the drawing board to make something better than gpt

There is no evidence this is due to GPTs. On the contrary: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35978381

But GPTs cam be fooled the same way.

Humans would recognize that Hitler died before Radiohead even existed.


And GPT can also recognize lol

Asked bing Chat and...

> No, Hitler was not part of Radiohead. Radiohead is a British rock band that formed in 1985¹. Hitler was a German dictator who died in 1945². The only connection between them is that Radiohead has a song called Karma Police where they mention a girl with a Hitler hairdo

Now we know AIs aren't immune to Godwin's Law.

Before to send Greenwood backwards in time to conquer Berlin, maybe we should just assume that Bing is stupid?...

Visually he does fit right in.

These obviously wrong answers are fun to talk about, but think about all the cases where the misinformation isn't as blatant and millions of people are accepting it without question. And that's going to be 100x worse as LLMs are more widely used for getting information.

I had to screenshot this. My gosh what a surreal world.

Sometimes Bing thinks I founded Pagerduty (I did not).

If this were Star Trek: Picard, we’d find out that Hitler’s brain was transferred into an android body in 1945 and he wrote the song “Paranoid Android” fifty years later.

Wouldn't the song have been "Positronic Android" though?

Not to be confused with Bing Hitler (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-m4wkYWEK4c)

It also doesn’t seem to matter how you ask the question, so it’s not just a small glitch. Deep down Bing really believes that Hitler is a member of radiohead. Is someone gaslighting bing to conclude this, or how could it start believing this? I’m sure there are very, very few web pages or other written material claiming that Hitler is a member of radiohead…

These LLMs don't "believe" anything. They don't "think", they are just glorified text filters. This is just a bug, nothing more.

This has nothing to do with LLMs. It's bing search not bingGPT.

It's not using some fancy AI. As another user pointed out here, it's just pulling the results from Wikipedia. A troll from Mexico replaced Philip Selway with Hitler.

Are we sure he was not? After all, could the Internet be wrong? Highly unlikely, even if technically possible.

The fact that Radiohead was founded in 1985 and Hitler died in 1945 would just be chronological discrimination, after all.

To Ableist and Sexist we now can add Temporalist. I'm in.

Karma police, arrest this girl. Her Hitler hairdo is making me false positive

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